Social Welfare in the Great Depression Era
The New Deal
Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1932
The Second New Deal
Social Welfare in 1940
Vulnerable Populations
Stock Market Crash of 1929
- Marks the beginning of the Great Depression
- Chronic poverty
- Children, older Americans, minorities, female-headed families, people with disabilities, and workers with unstable or low-paying jobs
- Much greater emphasis on child welfare
- The Federal Unemployment Tax Act was amended by the Second Revenue Act of 1940
- Many changes were made to the Social Security Act throughout the year
- Roosevelt created many new job opportunities by creating federal agencies and programs
- 1935-1938
- Wagner-Peyser Act (1935): federal funding for individual states to develop employment offices
- WPA: replaced FERA from 1932
- Forerunner to modern day student financial assistance
- Wagner-Steagall Housing Act of 1937
- Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
- Revenue Act of 1935 (Wealth Tax Act)
- Led to Adjusted Compensation Payment Act
- A series of domestic programs enacted in the US between 1933 and 1938
- Focused on the 3 R's: Relief, Recovery, Reform
- "Relief for the unemployed and poor"
- "Recovery of the economy to normal levels"
- "Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression"
- Relief used to be a form of rehabilitation only used with social workers
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The Social Welfare Act of 1939
Programs of 1933
Social Security Act of 1935
Private Voluntary Associations
Did you know?
The First New Deal
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): created jobs for unemployed youth
- Food programs: prevent starvation
- small "food stamp" program established
- Part of the Second New Deal
- "Constituted a package of social programs consisting of both insurance and poor relief"
- Also known as "public assistance" or "welfare"
- to protect the welfare of the people of this state
- to provide general assistance, hospitalization, infirmary and medical care to poor or unfortunate persons
- to provide for compliance by this state with the social security act
- 1933-1934
- Amendment 21: Repeal of Prohibition (1933)
- PWA: organize and provide funding for large-scale building projects
- Housing Owners' Loan Corporation
- One of 3 major institutional sectors at the time (other two: government and business sectors)
- Often known as Private Non-profit Organizations
- Organizations working to give relief to those in need: YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, soup kitchens, local churches
- Could not keep up with demand
- Huey Long (Senator for LA)- proposed policy a "Share the Wealth" program
- Francis Townsend (doctor in CA)- proposed special sales tax to pay every American over 60 $200 per month
- Roosevelt Administration- two-tier federal system of insurance and relief programs
Bonneville Dam