Vineland Social-Emotional Early Childhood Scale
What information does it display?
- Scores of the 3 different scales
- Social-emotional composite scale
- Percentile rank of child
- Mental age equivalent of the child
- Can see relation of a child vs. other children of his/her chronological age
- Maps out activities based on age they should be associated with
- Can use mental age equivalent of child to see where they should fall on activity map
What is the assessment?
- Measurement of young childrens social-emotional functioning through:
- interpersonal relationships
- play and leisure time
- coping skills
- Calculates a childs mental age equivalent to compare with chronological age
How is it used?
- Used for birth- 5 years, 11months
- Interviewer uses scoring key to mark the level of performance for each statement in each lettered cluster
- 3 different areas this process is used with:
- interpersnal relationships
- play and leisure
- coping skills
- Combine scores from the 3 areas to get social-emotional composite score