Therefore, life is always meaningful.
Life can be meaningful to the person living it.
Premise 2
Life in the grand scheme of things is meaningful.
Premise 1
My Argument
Everything we do, explore, invent, and discover, would have been done in the future anyway. Therefore, like is not meaningful.
Counter Argument
Life, in the grand scheme of things, is meaningless.
What I Agree and Disagree With
Life can be meaningful to the person living it.
Life is meaningful due to the fact that we do all of these things that affect and shape the universe in positive and negative ways. Also, when we live our lives believing that we are doing something meaningful and important, then we are. All we have to do as humans is believe that our lives are meaningful and those beliefs will come true.
Richard Taylor's Argument
Premise 2
Life can be meaningful to the person living it.
Premise 1
Life, in the grand scheme of things, is meaningless.
Therefore, life is only meaningful when the person living it believes that it is.
Richard Taylor
What Is A Meaningful Life
Critical Assessment of "The Meaning of Life" by Richard Taylor
Gavin Paap
Introduction to Critical Reasoning
"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning." -Joseph Campbell
Definition of Meaningful
Full of significance, purpose, or value; purposeful; significant.