Some Guidelines
- Audio is a requirement
- Provide an outline
- Pictures are always helpful
- 15 minute minimum
- One page, double spaced response
- Choose a question that interests you
What is the Messianic Secret?
How I Resolve the Question
Why This Matters to God's People
- Point One
- Point Two
- Point Three
The Main Cast
The Biblical Evidence
- List out some of the major biblical evidence for the question.
- Show how it can be interpreted in different ways.
- Show how the evidence fits within the narrative dimensions of the provided gospel.
- Are there socio-historical factors to consider?
- Are there political factors to consider?
- How does this fit within the Kingdom of God?
The Substance of the Question
- Summarize the history of the debate. How did it start? Who instigated the debate? What was the initial question? Did the question evolve?
- What are some of the answers to the question?
- How do people ignore the question?
- What are the presuppositions behind the answers that people provide?