Welcome to Senior Year
You've Finally Made it...
Here are the Rules.
Know them and your life
will be oh so sweet.
1- Just in case you havent been to school since Kindergarten...
You are expected to be in class on time.
2- Like in the business world, if you waste my time by being late without a valid excuse--it will come out of your free time in the form of detention.
Detention is pointless and annoys everyone involved.
Do not be that guy.
3-Your dog didn't eat your homework, you didn't forget it at home,
and you are capable of doing it on time...
Do not let me down.
4-You don't live with the Flintstones. If there is an extenuating circumstance, you must email me before class letting me know why your homework is late.
My Email: ctzionov@gmail.com
5-I want you alive and functioning in class.
You may therefore eat or drink, but if I find it disruptive to your learning I will ask you to stop.
6-If I see a cell phone, mp3 player, or any sort of electronic gadget being used in class, you'll get a warning.
If it happens again, it will be taken away and given to the office.
You'll hate me. I'll hate me. And your mom wont be able to call to see what you want for dinner.
But if you force my hand, I'll have no choice.
7- If you're absent for whatever reason,
you're obligated to make up the work you missed.
Plain and Simple
Of course, if you have any questions
you can email me and I'll be glad to help.
My Email (again): ctzionov@gmail.com
Work with me and our class will
function like a
smooth running machine..
A-You are expected to have all your books, writing utensils, notebooks, and HW ready at the beginning of class. If this comes to you as a shocker--then you're going to flip out of your seat when you find out that
during class you must raise your hand and wait to be called on.
B-Reasons why you're allowed to leave your seat:
To throw something out.
One student at a time only!!!
Otherwise this privilege may be revoked.
C-You want a good year. I want a good year.
Do yourself a favor and fill out the weekly
"Teacher Performance Assessment"
surveys honestly.
It'll let me know what ticks you off and what makes you happy.
I am nice and easy going, but if you decide to be
"that guy" who wants to test the teacher...
Don't You Want To Be Happy?
Life Is Good
Lets Get Started Shall We?