Docs and Indicators
Forecasting vs Reporting
- Avoid TMI – limit to a few numbers, the most important indicators
- Numbers have to look good
- Numbers have to be consistent with your Story
- Be realistic - particularly in the short term (you will be accountable for)
- Never provide excel files (no formulas)
- Quarterly figures, possible monthly
- Don’t provide information you are not requested to (be ready to answer, but do not solicit questions)
Alberto Onetti
Twitter: @aonetti
Instagram: aonetti
Thank you for your attention!
Think positive, but get prepared for the worst
Are your Financials
telling a compelling Story?
- Have in your back pocket a cash exhaust analysis
- Show different scenarios
"The point of financial projections is to tell a Story with numbers -- a story about opportunity, resource requirements, market forces, growth, milestone achievements, and profits."
Guy Kawasaki, Art of the Start
Always show the light at the end of the tunnel
The Revenue Bridge
- You need to bridge to a completed milestone or to cash-flow-positive
- Avoid to "Bridge to Nowhere"
Reporting: Waterfall
- Actual vs Plan comparison
- Reforecasting (monthly/quarterly)
Main Docs
- P&L (aka Income Statement or Statement of Operations)
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow Statement
Other Indicators
Main Indicators
- Recurring Revenue (annual -ARR , montly -MRR)
- Deferred Revenue
- Contract Value (annual -ACV, total -TCV, life - LTV)
- Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
- blended (including users acquired organically)
- paid (acquired through paid marketing)
- Growth (Month-on-month-MoM, year-over-year YOY)
- CMGR (Compounded Monthly Growth Rate) (i.e. (Latest Month/ First Month)^(1/# of Months) -1)
- Users (Active, Paid, Downloads, ...)
- Churn
- ...
And one more thing...
Who's the Audience?
- Prospect Investors
- Existing Investors (Board of Directors)
- Strategic Partners (aka Buyers)