developing a "big picture"
story format
non-linguistic representation of a large amount of information
4 Types of Advance Organizers
describes new content
1. Expository
2. Narrative
3. Skimming
Helping children pay attention and focus on what you want them to learn is dependent on the students knowing what you want them to look for and learn. Often children and adults pick the different things to look for unless you tell them what your expectations is however, leave them something to wonder, find or explore.
Implementation Recommendations:
-Pace yourself. Ask questions when you introduce new content, not just at the end of learning experience.
-Ask high level questions.
-Provide wait time.
-Preview the big picture. Give the students an overview of what the lesson will cover.
1. Focus on what is important
2. Higher Level = Deeper Learning
3. Best used with unorganized information
4. Different Types = Different Results
Analytic Questions
***The difference between a graphic organizer and a graphic advance organizer is "Timing & Intent!"
-Requires students to analyze and even critique information that is being presented to them.
-Analyzing Errors
-Constructing Support
-Analyzing Perspectives
Keep the
Conversation Going
Students are more likely to learn if they connect new information to what they already know, their prior knowledge.
A direct approach sometimes can be most effective.
"Higher-level" questions produce deeper learning.
Wait time will effect the increase of the depth of students' answers.
Questions and cues have almost the same function. The teacher may ask questions to see what students already know about the topic and then use cues later to let students know what to focus on.
80% of teacher interactions with students involve cueing and questioning.
3. Events
What is the significance of the ball? From whose perspective? (Cinderella got to meet her Prince Charming)
Inferential Questions
2. Actions
How did Cinderella feel after the ball?
Four Categories:
1. Things & People 2. Actions
3. Events 4. States (of being)
Cues, Questions and Graphic Organizers
Four Recommendations to help teachers fine tune their practice.
1. Focus on what is important!
2. Use explicit cues!
3. Ask inferential questions!
4. Ask analytic questions!
1. Things & People
What affect does the fairy godmother's visit have on Cinderella's life?
4. States (of Being)
The fairy godmother changed Cinderella's outside appearance. What changes probably occured in the way she felt?
With you students...
Andrew Petruska & Michael Crago
Simply tell them what they are about to learn and help them identify and discuss what they already know about the topic and predict what is to come.
Ask questions that require students to make inferences, however, students will draw upon what they already know to "fill in the blanks."
We will now review the topic of Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers.
Helping students think about knowledge before experiencing it can help enhance students achievement.
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