CUNYfying, then, means...
Enhancing the core mission of access & excellence
Realizing the virtues of closeness (cf. synergy)
The goal is not to catch up but to leapfrog; not parity, but integrity.
The Shared Landscape
Why This Is Important --
In the Abstract
- Common systems (for registration, HR, student info, online ed, etc.)
- A Common Core
- The CUNY Academic Commons
- Means to search University-wide
- Even(ing) playing field in terms of bandwidth, access
- A movement toward shared services, shared software
Who We Are & What We Have
The CUNY Academic Commons
What This Can Mean
For students
Academic Works + The Commons
- Nearly 10K members
- Over 750 groups
- Pollen everywhere (CBOX, AW, etc.)
- Accelerated academic progress
- Circumnavigated bottlenecks
Examples of Incubated Innovation
For faculty
- Increased synergies of support, collaboration
- Not having to do it all yourself
- The CUNY Games Network
- Commons In A Box (CBOX)
- The Bridge to Our IR (Academic Works)
CUNYfying uses of technology
For colleges
- Science Forward
- Science Sims
- Flipped Gen Chem (and the DLIA)
- Enrollment growth sans real estate investment
- Raised profiles for both the college and the system
CUNY Advance
- Science Forward
- Science Sims
- Flipped Gen Chem
The largest public, urban, geographically proximate system
Flipped Gen Chem
Science Forward
Growth that's in our DNA
Science Sims
Online Courses
The example (just an example) of Gen Ed courses offered by SPS
Global Search