- As children enter late childhood, there is a decline in the amount of time spent with their parents
- Today parents supervise their children more than they did in the past
- Latchkey children are children that are left unsupervised during the day or return home to an empty house after school
- latchkey children are more likely to be truant from school, feel stressed, recieve poor grades, engage in risky behaviors & use alcohol of tobacco
- when children enter school they start to spend more time with their sibling than their parents
Teacher-Child Relationships
Social & Emotional Development in School Age Children
- 98% od children between 7 & 13 are enrolled in school
- classes are generally organized with a single teacher, usually female, in charge of 20 to 30 same-aged students
- Children with optimistic illusions my reduce their efforts & thereby lower their future achievement
- As a child gets older their understanding os school becomes more complex & complete
- some children underestimate their school abilities & they may undermine theur own achievement
- Teachers act as role models, caregivers, & mentors for children
- children who have warm, secure & positive relationships with teachers are more cognitively & socially competent
- Teacher have a significant influence of children's social development
- Teachers generally respond more positively to students who achieve, conform & are agreeable & compliant
- Teachers increase the chance for students to become successful
By: Cassie Cox
Peer Relationships
- Children who are overly rejected by other peers are rejected children
- Neglected children are reasonable well liked by their peers but lack friends
- Bullying is an aggressive behavior, repeated over time
- Bullies & victims of bullying are both at risk for some adjustment problems
- using age appropriate social behaviors to enhance peer relationships without harming anyone is social competence