Eastern Europe
Kievan Russia
- 907-1118: Khitan conquest of north China
- 1037-1194: Seljuk Turks dominate the Middle East
- 1115-1234: Jurchens (Jin dynasty) rule north China
- 1126: Song dynasty flees to south China
- 1130-c.1250: Almohads rule north Africa and Spain
- 1206: Temujin takes the name of Chinggis Khan; Mongol state founded
- 1215: first Mongol attacks on north China; Beijing captured
- 1219-1223: first Mongol invasions of Russia and Islamic world
- 1227: death of Chinggis Khan; Ogedei named successor
- 1234: Mongols take all of north China; end of Jin dynasty
- 1235-1279: Mongol conquest of south China; end of southern Song dynasty
- 1236-1240: Mongol conquest of Russia
- 1240-1241: Mongol invasion of western Europe
- 1253: Mongol victory over Seljuk Turks; rise of Ottoman Turks in Middle East
- 1258: Mongol destruction of Baghdad
- 1260: Mamluk (slave) rulers of Egypt defeat Mongols at Ain Jalut; end of drive west
- 1260-1294: reign of Kubilai Khan in China
- 1271-1295: journey of Marco Polo to central Asia, China, and southeast Asia
1274-1280: failed Mongol invasions of Japan
- 1336-1405: life of Timur mid-14th century; spread of Black Death in Eurasia
- 650s: Slavic migrations into Eastern Europe
- 718: Arab attack on Constantinople defeated
- 980-1015: conversion of Russia to Christianity
- 1018: Byzantine defeat of Bulgarian kingdom
- 1019-1054: reign of Yaroslav, king of Rus'
- 1054: schism between Eastern and Western Christianity
- 1100-1453: Byzantine decline under growing attacks by Ottomans
- 1203-1204: Fourth Crusade, sacking Constantinople
- 1237-1241: Mongols capture Russia
Western Europe
- 732: Franks defeat Muslims in France
- 800-814: Charlemagne's empire
- 900-1000: spread of new plows; use of horses in agriculture and transport
- 962: Germanic kings revive Roman Empire
- 1018: beginning of Christian reconquest of Spain
- 1066: Norman conquest of England, strong feudal monarchy
- 1096-1270: Crusades
- 1200-1274: Thomas Aquinas and spread of scholasticism
- 1215: Magna Carta
- 1226-1270: King Louis IX of France
- 1265: first English parliment
- 1303: seizure of papacy by French king
- 1338-1453: Hundred Years War
- 1348-1380: Black Death, or the bubonic plague
- 618-626: Gaozu emperor
- 618-907: Tang dynasty
- 627-649: Tang Taizong emperor
- 688: Korean conquest; vassal state of Silla
- 690-705: Empress Wu; Buddhist influence in China peaks
- 712-756: Xuanzong emperor
- 840s: period of Buddhist persecution
- 907: end of the Tang dynasty
- 960-1279: Song dynasty; Neo-Confucian revival
- c. 1050: invention of block printing with movable type
- 1067-1085: Shenzong emperor; reforms of Wang Anshi
- c. 1100: invention of gunpowder
- 1115: Jurchen (Jin) kingdom in north China
- 1119: first reference to use of compass for sea navigation
- 1127-1279: Southern Song dynasty
- 1271-1368: reign of the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty in China
- 1279-1368: Mongol (Yuan) dynasty rules all China
- 1290s: first true guns used in China
Culture Core
Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
- 646: Taika reforms in Japan
- 668: Korea wins independence from Tang conquerors
- 668-918: Silla kingdom in Korea
- 710-784: Imperial Japanese capital at Nara
- 794: Japanese capital shifts to Heian (Kyoto)
- 838: last Japanese embassy to China
- 857-1160: period of Fujiwara dominance in Japan
- 918-1392: Koryo dynasty in Korea
- 939: Vietnam wins independence from China
- 960-1279: Song dynasty in China
- 980-1009: Le dynasty in Vietnam
- 1160-1185: Taira clan dominant in Japan
- 1180-1185: Gempei Wars in Japan
- 1185-1333: Kamakura Shogunate in Japan
- 1231-1392: Mongol rule in Korea
- 1279-1368: Mongol rule in China
- 1392-1910: Yi dynasty in Korea
Islamic World
- 610-632: Muhammed has first revelation in Mecca, begins to preach Islam, hiraj to Medina, and death
- 632-634: rule of caliph Abu Bakr
- 634-643: early Muslim conquests in the Byzantine Empire
- 634-644: rule of caliph Umar
- 637: Arab invasion and destruction of Sasanian Empire
- 656-661: first Islamic civil war
- 661-750: Umayyad caliphate centered in Damascus
- 680-692: second Islamic civil war
- 711-713: first Muslim raids in India
- 744-750: third Islamic civil war
- 750: Abbasid caliphate begins, centered in Baghdad
- 747-750: warriors from Khorasan overthrows Umayyads
- 809: first war of succession of Abbasid princes
- 865-925: life of al-Razi
- 945: Persian Buyids capture Baghdad
- 1055: Seljuk Turks overthrow Buyids and control caliphate
- 1258: fall of Baghdad to Mongols
- 1290s: beginnings of Islam's spread to southeast Asia
The Americas
- 900: end of intermediate horizon and decline of Tihuanaco and Huari
- 900-1465: Chimor Empire based on Chan-Chan on north coast of Peru
- 968: Tula established by Toltecs
- 1000: Toltec conquest of Chichén Itzá and influence in Yucatan
- 1150: fall of Tula and disintegration of Toltec Empire
- 1200-1500: Mississippian culture flourishes
- 1325: Aztecs established in central Mexico; Tenochtitlan founded
- 1350: Incas established in Cuzco area
- 1434: creation of triple alliance
- 1434-1471: great expansion under Inca Pachacuti
- 1434-1472: rule of Nezhualcoyotl at Texcoco
- 1438: Incas dominate Cuzco and southern highlands
- 1440-1469: reign of Moctezuma I
African Continent
- 600-700: Islam spread across North Africa
- 1000: Ghana at the height of its power
- 1100: Almoravid movement in the Sahara
- 1200: rise of the Mali Empire
- 1260: death of Sundiata; earliest stone buildings at Zimbabwe; Yaruba culture flourishes at Ile-Ife
- 1300: Mali Empire at its height
- 1324: pilgrimage of Mansa Musa
- 1370s: Songhai establishes independent kingdom
- 1400: flourishing cities at Timbuktu and Jenne; Christian kingdom at Ethiopia; Swahili cities flourish
- 1417, 1430: last Chinese trade voyages to East Africa
Timeline of
World Events:
600 CE - 1450 CE