British Colonialism in Nigeria
How did Britain impact Nigeria?
- Once the British left Nigeria, the country fell into civil war.
- In 1963, the civil war ended with the founding of the Republic of Nigeria.
When did Nigeria gain their independence from Britain?
How did the British rule Nigeria?
- Nigeria gained their independence from the British in 1960.
- In addition to Nigeria gaining their independence from Britain, they also became a republic in 1963.
- Despite the diverse cultures of Nigeria, the British insisted on ruling it as one, unified colony.
- Britain did not posses the troops to control such a large area as Nigeria.
- So, Britain relied on indirect control of Nigeria through local administrations and cheifs.
What's indirect rule?
Indirect rule is the use of existing rulers and/or governments as puppets to control the population.
What is colonialism?
Colonialism is the act of controlling a country's influence over a dependent county or territory.
- At the height of their power, the British controlled one quarter of the world's land.
Why did the British want Nigeria?
- Nigeria possessed several natural resources including: oil, coal and metals, such as tin.
- Britain wanted these resources to fuel their industrial needs.
- Britain's other idea was to expand their empire into Africa to trade to nearby countries.
- They also were in competition with the Dutch, who also wanted control of Nigeria.