Job-Shadowing a Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainer
By Alix Ungaretti
- Compare and contrast the two professions.
- I plan on pursuing a career in these fields.
- I've been involved with physical therapy since the 7th grade.
- I would like to help people the way my physical therapist helped me.
- I learned about different injuries, treatment options, equipment use, and about anatomy.
- Compare/Contrast Paper
- Expert Advice Column
- PowerPoint
- Researched athletic training and physical therapy.
- Education requirements.
- Equipment use.
- Different scenarios.
- Used what I had learned from my project to offer advice.
- Combined personal experience with what I had learned from my project.
Relation to project:
Involves research and education of both professions, as well as giving instruction (advice) to those in need.
- Jennifer Helmer: Physical Therapist at Northern Rockies Physical Therapy
- Dennis Murphy: University of Montana Athletic Trainer
Observed and discussed injuries.
Discussed different scenarios and how he would deal with them as a trainer.
I learned differences and similarities between both professions.
Community Service
- Volunteered at athletic events and educational events.
- Swim meets, and judged a science fair.
Relation to Project:
- Worked with athletes
- Judged health and medicine science projects.
- I learned a lot from the science projects.
- I learned the importance of athletes preparation for competitive events.
- Importance for athletes to maintain good health, and the differences between physical therapy and athletic training.
- Importance of confidentiality for patients and documentation.
Opportunity to observe 2 professions I would like to be involved in (preview to careers I'm interested in).
My project applies to my future plans.