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Skilled Helper- 3 Stage Model widely used in British/Irish counselling setting an Integrative Approach

Professor of Psychology at Loyola University, Chicago

Does not propose a distinct theory of Personality but rather concentrates on what works to help the client

There is no great interest or theory in how or why the problem arose

The Skilled Helper published 1975 concentrates on problem management

The Model

  • Finds out what is problematic for the client
  • Helps the client identify new coping mechanism & possible solutions, management skills
  • Decide on the best fit solution/ACTION

The Model in Practice

1) Set the CLIMATE in a professional & caring manner

2) Create an environment where the client feels

  • Warm
  • Welcome
  • Safe & Comfortable

Working in 3's

  • Talker

Your concern is to offer containable, safe and manageable, appropriate self-closure sustainable enough for training at this level

  • Listener:

Accepts the artificiality of the role play & practices skills suggested, is willing to accept feedback and apply learning to self

  • Observer

Gives specific, respectful and concrete feedback to listener and talker. Describes all that was seen and heard without interpretation – respects the trust level of the trio.

Look for

Listener’s Body language

How both talker and Listener communicate understanding

Are they clarifying?

Responding & Acknowledging emotion

Accurate feeling words in tune with client’s language

Non-verbal communication (NVC)


Effects of listener’s responses

What was avoided or overlooked

Body Posture

Sit at an angle to the client

In an open and comfortable stance

NON-Verbal Communications (NVC)

Use silence and communicate care and warmth

Be aware of following with appropriate NVC


Good eye contact and pacing

Working in pairs. You have 3 minutes to do the following:

SET 3 chairs in a configuration that is welcoming and offers the arriving client a choice.

This helps establish client autonomy

Welcome the client in a professional manner to set the scene

State your name

Ask the client by which name they wish to be addressed

3 Stage Model Overview




Explore aka What's going on?



The helper, by developing a warm relationship, enables the Client to explore ‘the problem’ from his (the Client’s) frame of reference, and then to focus on specific concerns.


1.Attention Giving- Being with the client – totally

- Relaxed, Open and warm (NVC)

- Maintain Good eye contact

- Remember you are always communicating something

Barriers to Attending

Self pre-occupation

Attraction to client or even the opposite

Your own physical health &/or comfort

Over – eagerness to help

Similarity or issues; Identifying with the client

Differences of POV or clashes


Stage 1 Listening

Take time and hear what is said and what is not said!

Difficult skill to really hear the message/point.


Possessing the conversation – dominating the discussion

Thinking of what to say next

Ignoring remarks or tripping up client


You have 10 minutes- keep an eye on the clock!

In groups of Three take turns with one as the


Talker and


Set the scene and discuss an issue that causes the talker to get angry. Listen for key words and convey attending and listening to the problem. (KEEP IT SAFE!)



How difficult was that?


How did you feel with the listener?

What was helpful and not so helpful?


What did you note was helpful?

What did you was inappropriate?

What alternatives would have been more helpful?

Active Listening

communicating: empathic understanding non-critical acceptance genuineness

by: paraphrasing reflecting feelings summarising focusing: helping the client be specific

Stage 1 Exploration

Stage 3 Action

Stage 2 Finding New Perspectives




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