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The Positive and Negative Effects that the French had on the First Nations

There both many positive and negative effect on the first Nations when the Europeans came. A positive was that the first Nations got lots of different metal things like firearms, knives and tools and pots. The First Nations also traded furs with the Europeans creating the fur trade. The Europeans established military alliances with the tribes from North America.

Unfortunately, the Europeans also caused some negative effects on the First Nations. When they came, they brought many diseases unknown to the natives such a smallpox and tuberculosis, and they did not know how to cure them. This killed about half of the population. The Europeans also used up a lot of their resources, like wood to make canoes. When trading the beaver pelts, they killed a lot of beavers and they almost went extinct. The trade between the Europeans caused many of the First Nations to become dependent on the new items. Also during the trades, the First Nations discovered alcohol. Many of their villages were destroyed fighting for the furs. They caused many wars between the First Nations as well. The Europeans forced some of the Natives to Christianity.


Positive Effects

  • The French helped the Huron to establish strong, multi-racial communities
  • The fur trade was started
  • They could now have items that were made by the Europeans (guns, metal pots etc.)

  • Learned French
  • Created military alliances


a happy population


Negative Effects

  • Lots of resources were used up by the Europeans
  • Forcefully converting them to Christianity, causing them to lose their unique heritage
  • Stronger rivalries
  • They discovered alcohol and some of them became drunkards
  • Diseases: Tuberculosis, measles, cholera, typhus, influenza, and smallpox: killed ½ the population
  • Caused wars between First Nations tribes because they were fighting over trading furs
  • They killed lots of beaver to give the pelts to the Europeans
  • First Nations became dependent on the Europeans' goods
  • Villages were destroyed over furs
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