Japan Calligraphy Art Style
2 writing systems
- In the 9th century Japan had two distinct forms of writing, masculine (katakana) and feminine (onnade)
- Had two writing systems becuase women were not allowed an education in writing
- Forced them to create their own writing system
- Used onnade to express themsleves
Background Info
New Language
- Kana became more popular as it was easier and filled in the gaps of the language
- Poetic, art, and lituracy styles developed along with a new aesthetic in calligraphy
- The art of brush writing in East Asia both ecompasses and transcends the Western aesthetic
- Japanese calligraphy exemplifies thier culture and is often linked to with Zen Buddhism
Why use it
- Writers perspective: Visual effect than standardized presentation
- Artist perspective: To employ backgrounds and graphics
- Takes a closer look at the original gestural movements