The Willoughby children (Jane, Tim, Barnaby A, and Barnaby B) are a group of children from an old-fashioned family; unlike their great ancestors, their parents do not have love left over for their children.
The 4 children are epic heroes who went on a parlous journey to get their parents back after sending the away to death.
Ordinary/Special Worlds
Ordinary- their old "fashioned home".
Special - the outside world, Melanoff's Candy Factory, the foster homes, and the "unclimable alps".
Status Quo
Status Quo
They never left the comfort of their home.
Were never properly cared for
Never show love, affection, and compassion
Call to Adventure
Call To Adventure!
A mysterious box placed at their front gate reveals an orphan; Jane took the inside. Tim tires to convince Jane to get rid of it.
The baby escapes and goes into the parents room. After their parents found out they kicked them out of the house and told them not to come back until they got rid of it.
After dropping of the orphan at a candy factory,on the way back to their home, Jane hatches a plan to get rid of their parents by making a pamphlet of the most dangerous places in the world, and hope that they never come back (die). Tim agrees after a lot of convincing and they all go home to make the guide book.
Yes, they fell for it...
Helps them scare away all the costumers when their parents tried to sell the home.
Helps bust Tim out of Orphan Services.
Collects all of the kids
Finds them on top of the "unclimbable alps".
The children leave behind Linda, Commander Melanoff, and Ruth (the orphan), while taking Linda's phone for navigation and her purse for money.
After collecting all the children, Tim proposes the idea of getting their parents back so they will no longer be considered orphans. Although none of them were happy about it, they had no other choice.
Approach to Trails
Approach to Trials
They had no leads on their parents until they spotted their mother's pink/red yarn made from their father's hair; they then proceed to fly up the mountain, but nearly ran out of gas and almost plummeted to the bottom.
When they reach the top of the alp, they could not find their parents underneath all of the snow. They melted tons of snow of trees, and just when they were about to give up they heard the sound of 'smooching' coming for under a pile of snow beside them.
After telling their parents they were there to take them home, their parents took of in the 'Jolly Dirigable' and left them stranded on top of the alp were Jane then sung a song for her siblings which attracted Ruth, accompanied by Linda and Commander Melanoff, who the rescued them.
Their goal was to get their parents back , but were then adopted by Commander Melanoff and Linda after their parents crashed the 'Jolly Dirigable' into the side of a mountain.
The whole point of them getting rid of their parents was to get have a more stable environment to live in and although it did not work out as they planned, they still got their happily ever after.
The result of them orphaning themselves is getting a loving and stable environment to live in.
They return to Melanoff's Candy Factory after skiing down the Alp on Commander Melanoff's back and was they transported by a rescue helicopter the rest of the way.
New Life
New Life
Unlike their old life, they were loved and charished for their brilliance with Linda, Melanoff, and Ruth, and everyone one was happy.
Status Quo
Status Quo (Revised)
The children no longer have to steal food and other materials to survive.
They do not get thrown into a coal bin for having "childish needs".
They are in a stable, loving environment.
Their bond as a family has grown stronger.
Concluding Statements
Concluding Statements
The Willoughby children all show the 12 steps of an epic hero although they are young and immature (and also tried to kill their parents)
Their quest teaches us that although the ones you crave attention from might not feel the same way, you still have people who care deeply about you.