Infection Cycle
Carina Melinger
CMA p. 0-1
Reservoir Host
Reservoir Host
The one who becomes infected by the pathogen
- Source of transfer of the pathogen
- Provides nourishment for growth and multiplication of the pathogen
Means of Exit
Means of Exit
- intestinal tract
- urinary tract
- reporoducive tract
- open wounds
Means of Transmission
Means of Transmission
- direct contact with infected person or discharge
- indirect transfer by droplet infection: droplets of moisture expelled from the upper respiratory tract
- coughing
- sneezing
- insects
- contaminated hand equipment
- contaminated food and water
Means of Entry
Means of Entry
- intestinal tract
- reproductive tract
- open wounds
- breaks in the skin
- mucous membranes
Susceptible Host
Susceptible Host
One who is capable of being infected by the pathogen.
- low resistance increases susceptibility
- poor health
- poor hygiene
- poor nutrition
- stress