Mayan Economics and Social Structure
Social Structure
Mayan social structure has a lot rolls like noble. For example,"Maya society was rigidly divided between nobles, commoners, serfs, and slaves" here are some more examples and they also have parts in the temple,"Maya nobles, known as almehenob, filled the priesthood, or became government officials, court officers, town rulers, scribes, tribute collectors, military leaders and administrators" this is the job the nobles might do.
Social Structure
"Agriculture was the important to even the earliest of Maya" this can tell me that the Mayan people liked to trade. They specialized in growing crops such as corn, beans, and squash" this can also tell me that they sold food for other crops or any other goods. But they most heavily relied corn as trade currency. They didn't only trade food they traded animals which can still be made in to food. I know this because,"The second for of currency was animals, such as cows, pigs, goats and even bees."
To end that is The Maya's economics and social structure. This info told a lot of the social structure and economics. the Maya's and what they did in there days and other things like there people and what part of the temple people were at.
To start The Maya's had economics and social structure. This info can tell you a lot about the Maya's and what they did in there days and other things like there people and what part of the temple people were at.