The Life and Story of Kose Kanaoka
Who is
Kose Kanaoka?
(Born 802; Died 897)
Who is Kose Kanaoka?
- The first major secular artist in Japan.
- his life and works is sketchy, and his last documented painting was destroyed by fire in the 17th century.
- Active during the formative days of the aristocratic culture of the Heian period (794–1185), he was reputed to have moved beyond Chinese-inspired subject matter and techniques and to have forged a new style of painting that was uniquely Japanese.
- As a painter, he excelled in landscapes, portraits of officials, and animals. It is said that his lines, although thin and delicate, possessed much strength and vitality and that his horses and dragons were so realistic that they seemed to come to life and escape from the paintings.
The Hystorical Period that Kose Kanaoka came from.
The History of The Era
- The Heian period is the last division of classical Japanese history, running from 794 to 1185. It followed the Nara period, beginning when the 50th emperor, Emperor Kanmu, moved the capital of Japan to Heian-ky (modern Kyoto). Heian means "peace" in Japanese.
- During this era of peace the freedom of expression, from the upper class and the elite at least, tells us of their world prespective and religious idelogies that come from other cultures intermingling.
- Also during this era art became more free form and a lot of artwork and literature was made by women of the time which gave us a unique look into the lives of the elite of Japan and the artworks depicted historical events as well as personal expression which Kose improved on both in his time.
(Bottom image is Credited to Kose Kanaoka)
Why So Mysterious?
Kose Kanaoka's Imprint on History?
It is an interesting conundrum. How can someone imprint themselves in History yet leave no historal context? Alot, if not all of the information we have on Kose Kanaoka is inconclusive. Even his birth date and death date aren't entirely known and our best guesses from soures that have condriditctions. However, we do know what impact Kose has left on art as a whole and what he did for art was astounding.
He is said to render service by establishing the style of Yamato-e painting, a traditional Japanese style painting of the late Heian and Kamakura periods dealing with Japanese themes. This was when kara-e (Chinese-style painting) lost its influence.
His descendants later formed a circle of painters known as the Kose school, and it greatly influenced the fields of kyuutei-ga (court paintings) and Buddhist paintings. Though few of his works have survived, he is known to have painted landscapes and portraits. He also founded the Kose School of Art, which is named after him. He made the first tonal gradation, and the first Buddha in crayonnage style. This school would change from producing Chinese style paintings with Chinese themes into a more Japanese style of painting techniques.
A Gallery of Kose Kanaoka's Artwork