English today
- 400 million native English speakers
- 1/4 use English as their lingua franca
- Used in every field of activity
Historic timeline
1700s - North America
1558 - the start of the colonisation
1800-1900 - the British empire
- 6 million English speakers
- Exporting her inhabitants
- 1776, the American War of Independence
- 13 North American colonies was close to 4 million
- The US took over as the main force of
spreading English
- Took over highly developed sosieties
- Cheap workers and natural resources
- A long tradition with an active navy
- Making the first steps in settling the New World
1770s - Oseania discovered
1600-1700 - other european empires
The Commomwealth of Nations
- Britain had sent criminals to Virginia
- 1770s, Oseania discovered
- Perfect place to send ciminals
- Today the official languages are English
- 20th century, most of the countries got independent
- Still using the English language
Who owns English?
English in Norway
- Using many English words and expressions
- Happening all over the world
Images and illustrations:
- http://www.smithsonianmag.com/ist/?next=/smart-news/queen-elizabeth-1-loved-live-action-role-playing-9151091/
- http://www.anglik.net/englishlanguagehistory.htm
- http://global.britannica.com/topic/English-language
- http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/reading-english-speaking-countries.php
- https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/english-speaking-countries
Universal language
Ingrid Sølverud Wangen, 1IDE