German Influence in Namibia
Otto von Bismarck
- Conservative Prussian politician
- Unified the Germanic states as a way to improve Prussia's standing in the world
- Gave into the idea of imperialism in the African continent
- Berlin Conference organized by Otto von Bismarck, started Scramble for Africa
Samantha Thomas, Andres Gonzalez, Isabel Litman
German Rule in Namibia
Works Cited
- 1883 trading post Lüderitzbucht founded in present day Namibia
- Established as a German protectorate in 1884
- By 1903 the colony had around 5000 German Inhabitants
- German Reichskommissare(commissioners) Landeshauptleute(administrators) and Governors ruled with an iron fist
- Herero and Nama were pushed off their lands for Germans wishing to settle there
"German South West Africa." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 08 Mar. 2014. <http:/>.
Kössler, Reinhart. "Entangled History and Politics: Negotiating the past between Namibia and Germany." Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26.3 (2008): 313-18. Taylor & Francis. Web. 8 Mar. 2014.
Madley, Benjamin. "From Africa to Auschwitz: How German South West Africa Incubated Ideas and Methods Adopted and Developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe." European History Quarterly 35.3 (2005): 429-64. Web.
"Namibia." South African History Online. South African History Online, n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2014.
Cahoon, Ben. "Namibia." World Statesmen. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.
Caldwell, Mark. "Melber: 'German Apology for Namibia's Herero Atrocities Could Mean Compensation'" Deutsche Welle. Ed. Mwakideu Chrispin. N.p., 05 Mar. 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.
The White People of Namibia -- Cardboard Box Travel Shop <>.
Wikimedia Foundation "Namibia." <>.
Rhino Africa Safaris "Namibian Culture." <>.
"Namibia." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.
‘I will annihilate the rebelling tribes with rivers of blood and rivers of gold.
Only after a complete uprooting will something new emerge.’- General Lothar von Trotha
Wanted Namibian land for Germans
Terms used in both Herero War and WW2
Do any look familiar?
-“black brute bordering animal vs. the cultured literate German.” -German soldier
View of Genocide by Germans
- Germany was a new country, the genocide made people "rally behind the flag"
- After the genocide it was not brought up as a genocide
- Politicians hesitant to apologize for fear of compensation
- Skeletons of the genocide are still being sent back to Namibia
- 2004 German cabinet member Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeulasks for forgiveness
Chronology from 1884 to the Present
State of Imperialism (1884)
Switch of Power and the War of Independence (1966)
- Became a German Imperialistic protectorate
- Namibia primarily used for Germans interested in farming, copper mining, and diamond mining
- Officially named the Republic of Namibia
- Transformed the white minority apartheid to parliamentary democracy
- Current President: Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba of the SWAPO party
- Turning 24!
- The United Nations General Assembly revoked South Africa's mandate to govern South-West African territory and declared that it was under the direct control of their administration
- South Africa refused to recognize this and continued to govern the country de facto (not by actual law)
- The Namibian War of Independence commences
The country of Namibia (1990)
Effects of the Great War (1919)
- During World War 1, South Africa gained control of South West Africa (Namibia)
- At the end of WW1, the League of Nations mandated South Africa official control over the country
40,000 to 50,000 killed and only 15,000 to 20,000 survive
Many survivors pushed into Khalahari desert and in unarable lands
General Lothar von Trotha main protaganist
- The war for independence lasted from 1966 to 1990
- Featured guerrilla warfare (small groups of combatants, usually armed citizens, use irregular military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, and hit-and-run scenarios
- SWAPO, South West Africa People's Organization, and others fought against the government of South Africa and the apartheid policy implemented in the country since 1948
- Birthday: August 26, 1990
-San People (Bushmen): oldest people in the region; language features "clicks", currently inhabit Northern Kalahari.
-Damara: first prime minister of Namibia and his successor were both Damara
-Nama: share the same language as the Damara, led two armed rebellions against German rule, lost half their people in the genocide that occured between 1904-1907.
-Herero: most distinct group, very much influenced by German culture as seen in Victorian-styled clothing
-Himba: semi-nomadic; famous for covering themselves with otjize (butter fat and ochre mixture) that gives their skin a reddish tint.
Cultural Influences
- German architecture can be found in towns such as Luderitz and Swakopmund.
- Lutheran missionaries from Germany brought Christianity to Namibia.
- Allgemeine Zeitung
- Many restaurants and shops are owned by Germans.
Spring chocolates from Windhoek
Biltong (spiced dried meat)
Landjaeger (smoked pork & beef sausage)
- About 75,000 Namibians are of European descent
- Of these 75,000, 2/3 speak Afrikaans, 1/4 German, and the rest English and some Portuguese
- Pre-Independence: the national languages were English and Afrikaans with German as unofficial
- Post-Independence: English is the sole national language
Influence on Language
Ponijao of the Himba Tribe
Meerkat Manor