International Health Technology Assessment,
Pricing and Reimbursement at Sheffield
What are health technologies?
Health technologies may be drugs...
...devices such as prostheses...
...or diagnostic/screening tools
Why assess health technologies?
Current treatments or interventions may not be effective or could be more effective
They may also have side effects...
...or need repeating frequently
How do we solve this problem?
New technologies are developed...
This is usually done by industry
HTA agencies evaluate the trial evidence
They conduct a systematic review. In this they ask...
What are the overall findings of the available evidence?
Can the findings be trusted?
Some HTA agencies also conduct economic evaluations. Why?
A new technology may be effective...
...but some policy-makers want to know
whether it is cost effective
Does the new technology save money?
This may be by avoiding side-effects of current treatments... improving health generally...
...or by improving quality of life
Once a new technology becomes available or licensed,
how is the price for that technology determined?
Sometimes the owner sets the price based on the market
Sometimes the price is negotiated based on the findings of the Technology Assessment
Sometimes the local Ministry of Health will agree a price with the owner of the technology
Who pays for it and how?
This is called reimbursement
They may be funded by taxation...
...private health insurance...
...public insurance systems...
...or simply out of patients' own pockets
In many countries, reimbursement will involve a combination of these
Every country is different
Technologies are then put in categories depending on the benefits they offer...
...and this is based on the findings of the health technology assessment
Sheffield is the only university to offer postgraduate qualifications covering all stages of this process
It is a leader in this field
The course has an international perspective...
...and uses innovative, pioneering online learning methods
It is led and taught by world-class and international researchers...
What would you learn on the course ...
Images of Firth Court, Regent Court, Simon Dixon, Ron Akehurst, Alan Brennan and
Ben Van Hout © University of Sheffield
Image of child playing on beach © Chris Carroll
All other images by Beakybeecroft, Cavorite, Torsten Mangner, thirteen_of_clubs, e-MagineArt, h dragon and renaissancechambara. Taken from Flickr and used via Creative Commons 'attribution, non-commercial, no derivs' license
What are health technologies?
Professor Ron Akehurst
Professor Alan Brennan
Professor Ben Van Hout
Professor Simon Dixon
To learn more, go to email