When should we grade?
- Provide grades twice a year (end of semester)
- Use language of 'working towards' rather than grades for tasks
- use generic rubrics instead which are against achievement standards
- dependent on task type and subject area
Feedback only challenged your thinking?
- Ongoing assessment and feedback
- Encourage students to understand achievement standards
- Parent expectations
- It is what we are used to doing
Feedback only
- Using feedback as a tool to improve and move to next standard, also understand skills and knowledge that is relevant across different assessment tasks.
- No-
- Depends on student
- Not had enough time for students and parents to adapt
- Kids are starting to take more notice of the rubrics
What is currently used?
- PE & English- no task grades, only semester grade
- Multimedia- only Daymap assessment submissions to keep track of all digital work.
- English- must hit all standards at least once
- Folders with checklists
- Spreadsheets with assessment standards
- Assessment is a folio of assessments against standards
How do you give feedback?
- Written and verbal
- Instantaneous or delayed
- Content specific
- timely
- Continuous and ongoing
- Peer feedback and marking
- Self-mark work
- Videos
- Stickers/grading chart
- Conversations
- Rubrics
- Drafting
- Traffic lights
Language used?
- accessible language that can relate to
- clear instructions
- use student names
- ensure encouragement
- positive comment
- develop further
- think outside the square at end of comment
What medium do you use?
- Written, verbal and online (Daymap, videos)
How does this underpin your pedagogy?
- Idea of holistic approach
- Number of opportunities to hit each standard
When do you give feedback?
- Often- discuss progress on tasks
- Early so students can adjust
- Aligned to task
- Weekly book check with a sticker system
- Lesson reflection
- After draft- enables skill refinement and development
- Enabling students to question
Standard feedback method?
- What they can improve on- clearly outlined
- Student motivation
- Consistency in language and format
- Positive language
- Allow time and space to absorb feedback
- Feedback as soon as assessment is complete
- Continual feedback
- Drafting in class
- Student friendly language
Are they used?
- Not always explicitly, but implicitly
- Some do very explicitly, whilst others cover them but do not discuss with students.
Language used?
- Achievement standards
- Folio
- Continuous feedback
- Daymap submissions only
- Rubric language
- School values
How could this be recorded?
- Proforma (e.g. Design and Tech)
Which capabilities do you develop?
Understanding of levels
- Are not all aware that there are levels
- What extent should they be in our LAP?
- How explicit should we teach them?
- What point do we provide feedback on them?
What rubrics are being used?
- Semester long rubric
- HPE discussed challenges of rubrics for 2 year subjects (Achievement standards)
All resources used in lessons are are put on Daymap
All task sheets and rubrics are attached to a task in 'tasks'
Looking for notes on students from other teachers
Use 'class note' feature to contact class.
Elements included?
- Achievement standards clearly resported against
- Capabilities in Tech
- 'Not demonstrated' language when not using
Language used?
- At standard, above or below (Tech)
- Satisfactory, good, excellent, partial, minimal (Science)
Standard rubric across faculties?
- No, achievement standards are different in different subjects
- Generic layout would be fine
- Start with achievement standards
- Does it provide opportunity for students to achieve an A?
- Is it too scaffolded?
- Open enough but not too open to give too much choice.
Standard task sheets?
- Might be problematic having it completely standardised.
- Some aspects could be standardised.
- What would it achieve?