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Népszerű keresések
The Pink Fairy Armadillo ranges in size from 3 to 5 inches long, excluding their tail. They are the smallest species of armadillo. This helps the PFA because it allows them to bury themselves quickly in the ground and helps them not be seen as easily.
The Pink Fairy Armadillo prefer to live alone, only getting together to mate. When they feel threatened, they can burrow in the ground within seconds.
The PFA only lives in Argentina. It lives in dry grasslands in Central Argentina. It likes to live in areas with dry soil that it can burrow in to easily.
I really liked studying the PFA and thought it was a very interesting and fun. I could have chosen a animal with more information on it. I thought i was productive and efficient during my project and that overall i did a pretty good job.
The Armadillo mating season is 2-3 months out of the year. Pink Fairy Armadillos are ready for reproduction when they are 9-12 months old. The gestation period is 60-120 days.
The Pink Fairy Armadillo doesn't have many predators, but when it feels threatened it can bury itself within seconds. It's main predator is humans. But domestic cats and dogs also prey on the PFA's.
We can't do a lot because it is hard to know where they live because they are nocturnal. We can not plow in places in Argentina where it looks like a place they might be based on the habitat.
The PFA mainly eats ants but also can eat snails and plants. It is a omnivore. It burrows near ant hills so it can have a constant food source.
The Pink Fairy Armadillo is endangered because of habitat destruction. It burrows in very dry soil. They like to live on grasslands in central Argentina. They are victims of land clearing and plowing everywhere.