"Employment in abscence of entiltement to paid annual leave or sick leave"
Employment Relations and Key Influences
What is it?
- similar to workplace relations, industrial relations, human resource management
- Total relationship between the employer and the employee
- effective management of this relationship is essential to a successful business
- Done through seeing employees as an asset not a cost
Why is it important?
A happy workforce is a productive workforce
"Economists carried out a number of experiments to test the idea that happy employees work harder. They found happiness made people around 12% more productive."
- your staff is essential to earning profit
"a company with a happy, motivated workforce will see exceptional results in its products and services.”
- effective management of staff ensures high quality of service and product to get an competitive advantage
Legal Influences
Employer Loyalty
Conflict Resolution
- good employment relations refers to a businesses ability to manage conflict
- Increased commitment to the business
- Greater relations equals greater employee motivation
- conflict arises from a misalignment of goals between the employers and the employees
- Increased retention of staff
- Positive working environment and morale
- Therefore decreased cost of staff turnover
- Greater productivity increases profit
- way which work is performed
- exercises control over employees
- Influences affected by the laws
The Employer Contract
- Contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both employer and the employee
Legislation: Workplace Relations Act
- Follow reasonable instructions
- perform work without negligence
- act in good faith of the business
- Provide work
- Fair Wage
- Follow employment relations legislation
"The Australian national workplace relations system establishes a safety net of minimum terms and conditions of employment and a range of other workplace rights and responsibilities."
Occupational Health & Safety
- refers to the management of risk
- legislation introduced to ensure
- All employers must protect the health and the welfare of their employees through the creation of a safe work environment, safe working procedures and safe materials
- All employers must train their staff and provide information about workplace health and safety
- All employers must consult with their staff with respect to OH & S matters
- Factors affecting employment relations
Social Influences
Changing Work Patterns
- fewer permanent employees
- because of decreased rights and benefits casual workers are more likely to be dismissed, have a variation in hours and schedule and underpayment
- whilst casual employees will work for less pay and more flexible hours they have less committment and lower productivity
- Trasitioned the bulk of their staff from casual to permanent in 2012
- employs less that 30% of staff on a casual basis
- Engagement levels have increased 80%
- Absenteeism has fallen from 12.5% to 3%
The Ageing Labour Force
- in 2012, 14% of Australians are 65+
- by 2020 20% of the population is projected to be 65+
- People over 65 will double by 2055
- The average retirement age is approx 65
- Therefore, new training is required, increase part time work
- The needs of older workers need to be protected
Population Shifts
- Increased women in the workforce
- Increased multiculturalism in the workforce
- Increase need for high quality staff
Economic Influences
- Therefore, greater training development is required
- depending on the economy, employment demands will differ
- In times of boom, there is an increased demand for employment
- change recruitment policies to attract and maintain high quality staff
- In times of bust, demand for employment decreases
- change termination and recruitment policies
- increase flexibility of staff
- strategies to manage a multicultural workforce
- Google has invested heavily in their employment relations where workers are now 37% happier than previously
- Microsoft has shifted their focus towards employment relations
- No suprises that these companies have seen successful growth in the business