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Morphine is a pain relieving, narcotic-based drug that acts on the central nervous system, directly.
Since its creation during World War II, the morphine syrette has been used to administrate the pain killer in conflicts as recent as the are in Iraq.
Is the morphine syrette used today?
How did the morphine syrette impact society?
The morphine syrette is a small medical syringe that is used to administer morphine to a patient.
Morphine Addiction: Continued
While it relieves pain very persistently, and especially easily through the use of the syrette, morphine can also be a very compulsive drug. If administered too often and too much, it might cause someone using the drug to become addicted.
However, studies have shown that soldiers who have used morphine have a reduced risk of post-traumatic stress disorder.
The morphine syrette would be very useful in the sense that it made the administration of the pain killer very simple. It would, however, have long-term effects if administrated repeatedly over a long period of time. One of these effects being a morphine addiction.
How does it work?
How did the morphine syrette impact warfare?
The inner seal of the morphine tube would be pierced so that the morphine could then be injected into the patient by slowly squeezing the collapsible tube inside of the syrette. Morphine was usually injected into a part of the body that could be accessed most quickly.
Why was the morphine syrette developed?
The syrette was developed to make the administering of morphine into the body much easier and quicker. It was inspired by Edward Squibb, the owner of a narcotic company in New York City who created an injector for morphine. The US Army adapted Squibb’s design for combat and created their own instrument, the morphine syrette. It would be used for the easy administration of morphine to wounded soldiers on the battle field.
Morphine Syrette
By Kaitlin Morey & Emberlin Leja
What is a morphine syrette?