Geometry Section
Parabola: the shape of the grapg of a quadratic function.
Translation: transformation that shifts or slides every point of a figure or graph the same distance in the same direction.
Solution:a soultion for quadratic functions would be its x-intercepts.
Root: A mathematical operation indicating which unknown number, multiplied by itself a specific number of times, equals the number included inside the root sign. The "square root" of 81 equals 9 is an example of a root.
exponents: the number that indicates how many times the base in a power is used as a factor.
if the constant changes to a positive number then it will go up on the y-axis if it is negative, then it will go down.
Terms to know:
x-intercept: the x-coordinates of the points
where a graph intersects the x-axis.
Shift: move up, down, of side-to-side.
Vertex: the highest or lowest point on a parabola.
Quadratic function: f(x)=ax2+bx+c, where A,B, and C are real numbers and A is not equeal to 0.
Lexie Swiercinsky
Jacob Marsh
Tyler French