In the U.S., smoking results in 5.1 million years of potential life lost each year.
fact #2
In 2006 U.S.A. consumers spent an estimated
$90.7 billion on tobacco products
fact #3
2nd hand smoke is 2 times more harmful than 1st hand smoke
this little baby boy, now
named Niall (named by me),
is breathing in smoke caused from
his mum smoking.
Fact #4
It is estimated that in 2012; 203,544 Americans
will be diagnosed with lung cancer attributable
to smoking
out of 4,800 total chemicals
in a cigarette, here are 10:
Acetanisole or perfume
Hydrogen Cyanide or prison execution gas
Acetone or nail polish remover
Cadmium or batteries
Cinnamaldehyde or dog and cat repellant.....
Toluene or dynamite/TNT
Formaldehyde or embalming fluid
Methanol or antifreeze
Geranid or pesticides
Acetic Acid or floor wipes
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!
Anatomy of a cigarette
By: Meganne Brenon and
Makayla Dillenback