Dante's Inferno: The Vestibule
By: Elisha Asohan and Erin Peoples
Souls in the Vestibule
- The souls that were in the Vestibule were called "Opportunists" who in life were only for themselves and were neither good nor bad.
- "The coward who made the great refusal" - possibly Pontious Pilate
- Angels who sat on the sidelines when Satan rebelled against God
- Chase after a meaningless banner (perhaps a chasing after the wind?)
- Represented the things which they had chased after in during their lives.
- Be chased by hornets
- Represent their guilty consciences.
- Meanwhile, maggots and worms just kind of chill on the ground, eating the blood from the stings.
- A horrid-sounding choir of angels - perhaps the worst punishment of all?
Acheron River
Charon was the ferry man who brought dead souls across the Acheron River into the rest of Hell.
The first river in Hell is the Acheron River which separated the Vestibule from the circles of Hell.