What is Borchert' Point ?
Borchert explains in his models how the
impact of technology, communication, and
transportation has affected North America
and still is.
Steel Rail Epoch (1870-1920) - during this period the Industrial Revolution occured. Cities were growing due to better resources in the technical field. Goods were being sent long distances due to better transportation. When automobile manufacturing became regional and dependable the U.S. moved along to the next stage.
Steamboat Iron Horse Epoch (1830-1870) - during this period the invention of steam boats became more productive and railroads also. Once steel rails and long journey's were put into play the U.S. moved on into the next stage.
Sail and Wagon Epoch (1790-1830
during this time transportation of goods was
limited because of lack of transportation. Most
good were transfered over water. Once steam boats and railroads were discovered they moved to the next stage.
High Technology Epoch (1970-PRESENT) - Since 1970 many new technologies have been introduced to the world. Not only computers and cell phones but iPads, new cars, and many more.
Auto-Air-Amenity Epoch (1920-1970) - during this period of time car were put into play. Now the main source of transportation was automobiles and still is. Some say we are still in this stage but since 1970, which is when the stage ended according to Borchert, many new technologies have been created.
Is The Late 1960s relevant?
Every bit of Borchert's model is important. If the first stage was missing then there wouldn't be an explanation of where it all started.