Family History
- Risk of type 2 diabetes increases significantly if your biological parent or sibling has a history of type 2 Diabetes
- If a parent has type 2 diabetes, the risk of his/her child getting type 2 diabetes is 1 in 7 if the diagnosis was before age 50
- Some people who has immunological insulin resistance are genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes.
- Having family members who are obese could also increase the chance of you being obese which is one of the risk factors to type 2 diabetes
- Access to early screening and preventative care is fundamental
- It's unclear why certain races are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than others.
- According to Kent County;
- White people account for 6.8%,
- Black/African Americans account for 9.9%, while
- Hispanics account for 10.7%
of people with Type 2 Diabetes
- Lack of, or poor access to affordable healthcare and poor nutrition contribute towards developing type 2 diabetes in Hispanics and Black/African Americans.
- Men are more diagnosed than women
- In Kent County, 51% of people w/Type 2 Diabetes are Male, while 49% are female
- However, women are at risk of getting gestation diabetes which if poorly controlled can lead to type 2 diabetes
- Uncontrolled gestation diabetes also puts a child at risk for obesity and later in life at risk for developing type 2 diabetes
- Early screening and follow-up before, during and after pregnancy
- A proper diet is crucial.
- Lack of knowledge of the foods that help reduce the risk of T2D.
- Carbs/Sugar/Good&Bad Fat
- Cooking & Food Preparation
- Cooking classes:
- Home Economics in School
Fresh Start Healthy Cooking.
- Risk of type 2 diabetes increases as you get older, especially after age 45. Why?
- People tend to exercise less, lose muscle mass and gain weight as they age
- Type 2 diabetes is also increasing dramatically among children, adolescent and young adults
- In fact, people younger than 65 years account for 25.6 million or 11.3% in U.S.
- Regular exercise such as walking for at least 30 minutes, 5 days in week could help maintain healthy weight as you age.
- 10 % of the West Michigan population has diabetes.
- Primary causation factor
- Being overweight increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes seven fold.
Time Management
- Busy lifestyles
- Both parents working, working more than one job
- Leads to Not cooking at home
- Which leads to fast food/take out
- Cheap, easy, unhealthy, over consumption in calories
- 1.50 more per day to eat healthy foods per person. $550 per/year
- Access to Healthy Food - Food Deserts.
Web of Causation
Medical Care
- Affordability
- Access to insurance
- Screenings: Most free programs include blood glucose screenings.
- Approx. $10,000+ per/year for those with diabetes.
Type II Diabetes
Socio-Economic Status
- School Lunches
- Kids are overweight
- Under regulation of sugar
- Large selection, including fast food.
- Scratch cooking
- Grand Rapids School System given $2.93 per meal by the USDA. actual food cost after overhead= 50-60 cents/ meal.
- It effects the way your body metabolizes glucose the body's main fuel source.
-Body resists effects of insulin or does not produce enough.
-8th leading cause of death in Kent County. (CDC)
-7th Leading cause of preventable hospitalizations.
- 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will develop T2D by 18 years. (CDC)
- Household Income/Geography
- Concentrations of poor/low income population.
- Mixed Income Housing
- Business Diversity
- Meal Prep/ Portions
- Types of food
Wellness Programs
- YMCA -Diabetes Prevention Program.
- PA - 150 min. per/week
- Reduce 7% Body weight
- School Programs
- Healthy U.
- Nutrition in Action
Physical Activity
- Size
- Stay at home parent
- Poverty
- Internet Culture - World at your finger tips.
- Video Games/TV Time - Child Physical Activity
Community Planning
- Good Infrastructure
- Walkability
- Bikeability
- Example -East GR