Transcript: Abacus and Calculator Abacus A calculator is an electronic and portable device used to make complex arithmetic operations. The first calculator was invented in the 17Th century by a Frenchman called Blaise Pascal. The calculator in the 17th and 18th century were big and heavy, now the tecnology has advanced ahd made evrything in a smaller size. This has been an excellent invention for humans to solve math very easy, to work and study. Some examples of the acient computers calculators were the mechanical calculators and the age calculatos.Infortunately now they are few of this awesome calculators. Compare and Contrast Calculator The abacus which is called the counting frame. When you about it you think no one uses because now we have computers, and electronical calculator, but still in some countries like Asia and Africa the use it. Usually they use it to do arithmethic and math processses. The people that use the abacus are called abacists. there are some examples of counting frame like the Geek one, The Persian, The Egyptian and the Mesopotamian. Each single one of them were very common on maybe 1387 AD. To use the abacus you need to use your own knowlegde, not like in the electronical calculator. Although, this two inventions are very important and without them we wouldn´t make math quickly. In my opinnion I think calculator is best because its quicker and the best method because in the abacus you maight get confused. They are very similar because they are used to make arithmetic and math, but their structure, size, color and name are different.