Along with DOE v. BOLTON, this decision legalized abortion in the first trimster
Argued December 13, 1971 Reargued October 11, 1972
Decided January 22, 1973
Pro- Lifers arguethat abortion is murder and is horribly inhumane, they argue that life begins at fertilization.
A pregnant single woman (ROE) brought a class action
challenging constitutionalityof the Texas abortion laws,
which abortion is unconstitutional unless prescribed
by a physician, in order to save the mothers life.
the court finds that there is nothing in the constitution saying
that the mother must carry out a pregnancy.
Arguments and controversies:
Roe argues that abortion laws violate the thirteenth amendmant (even though the woman, while knowing that pregnancy could occur from having sex, becomes pregnant unwillingly should not be forced to remain pregnant.)
opponents of Roe (Wade) argue that whil having sex wolunatarily you know the risk of pregnancy. to assume the risk of pregnancy and then exterminate the fetus' life without allowing it to have a voice violates the constitution.
The supreme court decided that
abortion is a fundamental right.
Therefore it is demed legal.