Themes in Hamlet
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Ibrahim BASARIR - 2100502367
To be, or not to be: that is the question.
Ears and Hearing
Words are used to communicate the ideas,
but also they can;
- Distort the truth
- Manipulate other people
- Serve as tools in corrupt quests of power.
Motifs in Hamlet
and Incestuous Desire
The sinister uses of words are represented by images of ears and hearing:
- Claudius’s murder of the king by pouring poison in his ear
Brother in-law and Sister in-law now married.
- Leartes speaks her in sexual terms
- He leaps her into her grave to hold in his arms.
- Hamlet's preoccupation for her.
- Misogyny occurs rarely throughout the play.
- Hamlet becomes cynical about woman in general
- There is a connection between female sexuality and corruption.
- It is an inhibiting factor in Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia and Gertrude.
The Complexity of Action
The Questions of How Act is Affected by;
- Need of Certainty Factors
- Emotional Factors
- Etnichal Factors
- Psychological Factos
- Thinks abstractly about action
- His Actions are violent
- Do not care so much about how to act.
- Their actions are controlled.
- The results of their actions leads them to diagrace.
The Nation as Diseased Body
Yorick’s Skull
- Denmark is frequently described as ill body by the moral corruption of the monarchs
- At the end, when Fortimbras takes the power, it suggested that Denmark will be strengthen again.
- Hamlet fixates on death’s impossible to prevent and the disintegration of the body.
- No one can avoid death.
The Nation
Welfare Actions
Royal Family
Poison plays a big role in Hamlet. It is a symbol of betrayal, corruption, deceit, revenge and death.
Ophelia’s Flowers
The Impossibility of Certainty
Flowers are delicate and a symbol of innocence, but could also be a symbol of her blossoming sexuality.
In Hamlet we can find questions about the certainty of facts.
- Can we have certain knowledge about ghosts?
- How can we know for certain the fact abour crime that has no witness.
Hamlet has been seen as a play about indecisivenes.
Hamlet shows a life of uncertainties.
themes, motifs and symbols
in Hamlet
William Shakespeare