Women's Rights
the inequality between men and women gets better
John Locke "Some Thoughts Concerning Education"
* minds formed at birth
* experiences dictate how you will interact
divorces were more widely accepted
marriages were relationships, not arrangements
women worked in family businesses
began social programs and organizations
Abigail Adams
fought for the equality of women in the new country
Discrimination Still Exists
African Americans
freed lacks were
....not allowed to vote
....not allowed to serve on juries
....not allowed to serve in the militia
....rarely educated
* church
* communities
John Woolman
"the dark gloominess of slavery"
"Liberty is the natural right of all men equally."
the South did not abolish slavery
economic incentives
focus on frontier
Abolitionist Sentiments began to grow in the North
VA - prohibition of slavery
PA - gradual freedom of slaves
MASS - ruled slavery to be unconstititonal
Relationship Between Church and State
Thomas Jefferson: "government should not interfere with a person's right to worship freely"
Government cannot show favoritism toward one demonination
Social Reform
Political Landscape Changes
Appearance of EQUALITY
people dropped "titles" of distinction
(even though a new class of wealth families had arisen as a result of the revolution)
Opening of new frontiers places unrefined, backwoods people to the state legislatures.
State capitals were relocated to more central locations.
Savannah - Atlanta
Charles Town - Columbia
New York City - Albany
Voting Requirements were changed.
every state except Mass. eliminated property requirements
PA & GA allowed all white male taxpayers
Republican Beliefs
Historical Change
* the first revolution that resulted in a national
government without a monarch or aristocracy
* in history, most republics had failed because...
* lack of commitment to liberty and equality
* lack of self control by the public
* diminishing public morality
* motivation was for personal reasons, not for
the common good
Post-Revolutionary War America
The idea of REPUBLICANISM flowed throughout the land.
Political Reform
Church & State
Social Reform
Political Culture
African Americans