Abu Nasr Al Farabi
Presented by:
Mariyam Hasan (ID 42045)
Rawda Al-Suwaidi (ID40445 )
Mariam Al Mansoori (ID41468)
Arabic Heritage
Meis Al Kaisi
1) Introduction to his life
AlFarabi's influence from Aristotle and plato in:
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology
- Political Science
- Ethics/Logic
- Psychology
3) Conclution and summary
The Life of AlFarabi
- Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Awzalagh al-Farabi
- Born in 870 AD in Wasij, Turkistan
- Studied in Baghdad under the guidance of the famous Greek translator, Abu Bashr b. Yunus
- His fame spread in Halab (Allepo) where he was companion of the King
- Had done several occupations in his life such as taking the role of a qadi (judge) in court, teacher and a caretaker of a garden
- Died at the age of 80 years in Damascus in 950 AD
His works and teachings
- Contributed considerably to science, philosophy, logic, psychology, political science, medicine, mathematics and music
- Called the “Second Teacher” in the Arab society because added commentaries on the works of Plato and Aristotle to his own contributions
- First philosopher to separate theology and philosophy
- Wrote his famous book- Ahl al-Madina al-Fadila (The Virtuous City) and the Kitab al Musiqa (Book of Music)
- The branch of philosophy explaining the fundamental nature of the human being and the world
- Used the works of Plato’s Republic and Aristotelian terminology
- Hierarchy of being - God is the first being (top of the hierarchy) which resembles Aristotlean thought that everything emanates from God (the perfect being)
- Branch of philosophy that is concerned with the study of knowledge
- Talked about six categories of aql (human intellect) which are discernment, common sense, natural perception, conscience, four subsequent intellects and divine reason
- Throughout his work stresses the importance of knowledge, which was directed from Aristotelian thought
Political science
- Uses the book Al-Madina Al-Fadila (The Virtuous City) to explain the concept of a virtuous society which resembles Plato's Republic
- According to both philosophers, a ruler of a society needs to have a good physique and unique qualities
- AlFarabi mentions four corrupt cities: the ignorant city, the dissolute city, the turncoat city and the straying city
- Similar to the imperfect divisions of society of Plato were timarchy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny
- The goal of the citizens for the society was to attain ultimate happiness through their duties in society
- The first logical writer on philosophical questions in Islam was al-Farabi
- Ethics is a branch of philosophy that states questions about morality such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, and justice
- Al-Farabi, just like Aristotle, argues that justice in the city or the state means that the common goods in society should be fairly distributed amongst the people
- In his discussion in ethics, he starts in a Neoplatonic fashion stating that evil has no existence in anything found in this world.
- However, al-Farabi disagrees with traditional Neoplatonists in the idea that being good means that you are pure and simple
- The scientific study of the human mind and its functions,
- On his treatment of the human soul, al-Farabi draws on a basic Aristotelian outline
- Al-Farabi's psychological view of humanity was that of an isolated individual who cannot achieve perfection alone and requires the aid of many other individuals
- His psychological perspective is reflected in terms of politics and philosophical thought
- The human soul and mind are a combination of the metaphysical components and the science of epistemology that drives a person to its actions.
- Farabian concepts of existence provided a basic structure for metaphysics of Ibn Sina and Aquinas
- He influenced many other major thinkers such as Yahya ibn 'Adi, Abu Sulayman al-Sijistani etc.
- Through his understanding of Plato and Aristotle he improvised many of their works into his own interpertation.
- He dedicated majority of his time to teach others about the values of philosphy, logic, ethics, metophysics etc.