Results of Beiber's Actions
Napoleon Bonaparte
- Girls cuttings themselves
- Lost fans
- Lost respect
- People wanted him deported
- His music sales went down
Excessive pride...?
- Made himself Emperor
- Crowned his infant son King of Rome
- Started dozens of wars, costing millions of lives
Justin's Downfalls
- Flipping off a photographer
- Speeding 100mph on highway
- Possession of weed
- Attacking a photographer
- The Anne Frank Incident
Justin Bieber
"How did Napoleon's pride lead to his downfall?"
Outcomes of his actions
Oedipus' downfall
- divorce
- lost sponsors
- lost glory
- lost fans
- lost the title of "the most paid athlete"
We have come to the conclusion that hubris causes the worst downfalls and tragedies in our world, as evident by Oedipus, Tiger Woods, Justin Bieber, and Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Realizes:
- He killed his father, Laius
- His wife is his mother
- Has cursed himself
- Jocasta kills herself
- Oedipus gouges out his eyes
Oedipus: excessive pride
Tiger Woods the "Sexual Predator"
"Did Oedipus' excessive pride lead to his downfall?"
- Why did he work so hard to find the truth?
- Why didn't he listen to Jocasta when told to leave it alone?
Oedipus arrogantly tells the chorus, "You pray to the gods? Let me grant your prayers."
Daaaaang, Oedipus...someone's got a big head
- Slept with 120 women
- Before having kids he had an affair with two waitresses
- Was caught cheating when he had kids
Oedipus: HUBRIS
Margaret Jordan, Tino D'Arpa, Ryan McCann