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No organization at tissue or organ level. Only slightly more integrated than colonial protozoan
Comprises all other animals. They posses true tissues organized into germ layers and an embryo that goes through gastrula stage
Diploblastic with a gelatinous layer called mesolglea. Single opening with tentacles and cnidocytes, no cnidocytes on ctenophora
Separated by embryonic development
Tripoblastic with bilateral symmetry. They have muscles and nervous system more complex than nerve-net. No body cavity and respiratory and vascular system, only one opening like cnidaria
Coelomates with muscular foot, visceral mass containing internal organs, ventral nerve cords, trochophore larvae shared with flatworms and annelids. Have a radula.
coelomate with segmented coelom. Metanephridium to secrete wastes. Setae provide traction and respiratory gases exchange in order to respire.
Coelomate. Coelom reduced and largely replaced by hemocoel. Segmented. Tagmosis, fusion of segments with serial homology. Exoskeleton with jointed appendages.
Notochord that supports the body. Have dorsal tubular nerve cord, pharyngeal slits and post anal tail.
Chordate features, but greater cephalization. Skull and vertebral column replace notochord as main body support. Have a neural crest.
1. First two pairs of gill arches lost
2. Third pair of gill arches formed jaws
3. Fourth pair of gill arches formed hyoid apparatus
Placoid scales homologous with vertebrate teeth
Double circulatory system
strong shoulder girdle
well developed muscles
tetrapod limbs
protective rib cage
enhanced senses
Well developed appendages
Lungs and Cutaneous respiration
Three chambered heart
The amniotes are a group of tetrapods (descendants of four-limbed and backboned animals) that have an egg equipped with an amnios, an adaptation to lay eggs on land rather than in water as anamniotes (including frogs) typically do.
Feathers are a synapomorphy for birds
Archaea or archaebacteria evolved separately from eubacteria and eukaryotes. They are similar with eubacteria in being prokaryotes and lacking distinct cell nucleus. They differ in terms of ribosomal structure, the possession of introns (in some species) and in membrane structure or composition. They are similar to eukaryotes in ways that archaea possess genes and several metabolic pathways that are more closely related to those of eukaryotes: notably the enzymes involved in transcription and translation.
Give birth to very underdeveloped young, no placenta.
Climbs to mother's nipples in their pouch, where they stay and develop.
Completely herbivorous unlike rodents. Hve four incisors in the upper jaw (rodents have two)
Even-toed ungulates, tend to be ruminants
Largest order of mammals
Egg-laying mammals
Odd-toed ungulates, large grazers
Shift away from respiratory function of the skin as seen in amphibians. Tends to be much thicker, more keratinized, and less permeable to water. Has overlapping scales
Snakes have a pit organ which is used for heat sensing. The Glottis opens from the front instead of near the pharynx to allow the snake to breath while slowly swallowing large prey. Fangs are hollow in venomous species. No appendages, but still within tetrapods because evolved from tetrapod. Some still have remnants of appendages.
Ray-finned fish. Long bones fan out in a ray. Elaborate control of fins. Have swim bladder (homologous to lungs) to control buoyancy. Have homocercal tail and a lateral line. Operculum is a large plate of bone that covers and protects the gill arches.
Lobe-finned fish, coelacanth. Living fossils with fleshy fins that have precursor to tetrapod limb bones. May be closest ancestor to tetrapods. Coelacanth is the only living species of this kind.
Cartilaginous skeleton with placoid scales and pharyneal slits that open to the outside. Heterocercal tail and 2 pairs of lateral, pectoral and pelvic fins. No swim bladder and digestive system with spiral valve. Oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous. Have ampullae of Lorenzini which detects weak electrical signals.
Torsion: twisted visceral mass. Eyes on top of tentacles and radula is a hard mouthpart used to scrape off food particles. Most are marine, but there are many freshwater and terrestrial species.
No head, two shells, hinged to each other. Filter-feed by circulating water currents
Only molluscs with closed circulatory system. Smart, large eyes with good vision. Octopus are the most intelligent invertebrate with a well developed brain; however, structurally different than chordates. The pictures a chambered nautilus=only modern cephalopod with a shell.
Series of plates on the back; they are marine and cling to rocks. Chitons.
Free living, mainly freshwater. Rotifers are dioecious and reproduce sexually or parthenogenetically. They are sexually dimorphic, with the females always being larger than the males. The coronal cilia create a current that sweeps food into the mouth.
Fish with jaws and paired fins without skeletal elements
Head containing hooks and proglottids that are mainly fille with reproductive orgains. Food absorbed through skin. Larvae encyst in muscle.
Parasites with protective skin and suckers. Can have multiple hosts and different life stages (liver fluke).
Depends on diffusion and moves through cilia and muscles. Flame cell for water balance and hermaphroditic
Biramous. Have compound eyes, mandibles. Open circulatory system with sinuses. A nevrous system with anterior ganglion and a ventral nerve cord. Direct reproduction with nauplius larvae. Excretion of ammonia across gills and salt and water through excretory glands. Balance through statocyst and grow by molting.
Single stalked antennae. Compound eyes, hemocoel, repiration by trachea and reproduce by copulation. Chitinous exoskeleton. three tagma. 3 pairs of jointed legs. Compound eyes.
First antennae
brood chamber
Marine zooplankton. So small often lack gills, heart, arteries. Often single compound eye. Naupilus-molt 5-Copepodid-molt x 4- Mature adult
Lampreys (pertromyzontida). They evolved from vertebrates but lost distinct vertebrae during evoluton. No jaws, bones, fins, or scales like hagfish. Both have rasping tongues. Each gill slit goes directly to the external environment (unlike hagfish). Mouth is modified for attachement to a fish host and for blood-sucking. Olfactory pit on the head, leads to sensory tissue.
Prosoma=head and thorax. Opisthosoma=abdomen
Only two pairs of mouthparts in head region: chelicerata and pedipalps. NO ANTENNA
Extinct. Incomplete tagmosis. Top part gill and the bottom used in locomotion (like polychaete parapods).
Sea spiders, long legs with small body. very small.
Eight legs, with pedipalps and chelicera. Two kinds of eyes and sensory hairs. Have book lungs. Spiders and scorpions have external digestion. Venom injected by chelicerate or sting bulb on the tail.
Two tagmata: head and trunk. Diplopoda are millipedes and chilopoda and centipedes.
Bristleworms and sandworms. Have parapodia that consist of gills and locomotory part. Have distinct eyes that can detect water depth. Reproduce by external fertilization. Have trocophore larvae.
Hermaphrodotic. Have seminal reciptacles and have a clitellum which secretes a cocoon that slides off worm after copulation.
Hermaphroditic. Som have clitellum. During development, leeches lose the segmenting walls of the coelom, the cavity fill up with spongy tissue, but ganglia remain segmented.
Cartilaginous notochord with internal pharyngeal slits. Water exits by atriopores. Have slime glands. No scales, jaws or appendages. Are scavengers and carnivores. Have a two chambered heart. Has barbels on either side of the nostril and mouth which help with locomotion. "invertebrate craniates".
dioecious, have a digestive tract that opens on both ends; enlarged pharynx. Locomotion by longitudal muscles only. Internal fertilization with copulatory spicules and have ameoboid sperm. Larvae look like miniature adults.
Anemone and Jellyfish
Larvae are free swimming containing all chordate characteristics. Adults become sessile. lose nothochord.
Have all chordate characteristics into adulthood. Also shares a characteristic with the vertebrates: segmented muscles.
Sea cucumbers have soft skin but premeated with ossicles. They have a body wall with circular and longitudinal muscles, oral tentacles and cuvierian tubules. Cephalization is absent.
Full digestive system
Arms are brittle. Used as escape mechanism since they can regenerate. No suction cups on their tube feet. No anus.
Radial symmetry. Central cavity serves both digestive and circulatory function. Diploblastic (epidermis and gastrodermis). Have nematocysts. Some have medusa stage or polyp stage. The tentacles have the nematocyst or cnidocytes. Medusa is sexual stage and polyp is asexual stage. Three classes: Hydrozoa (hydra, obelia, 3 stages of life cycle). Scyphozoa (medusa predominates-jellyfish). Anthozoa (polyp predominates-no medusa- sea anemonies, whips, corals)
Life cycle
Very small group of terrestrial animals, commonly known as peripatus or 'velvet worms' from their velvety appearance.
Sea urchins with no arms. Composed of fued plates of calcium carbonate covered by thin epidermis. Tube feet move via water vascular system.
Stricly sessile and attached to the sea bottom. Five arms branching at base and bearing pinnules. Cilitated ambulacral grooves with tube feet for food gathering.
Airstotle's lantern= teeth/jaws and tongue like structure
Tardigrades have no external head appendages. They posses stylets, 4 pairs of lobopods with claws and the ability to go through cryptobiosis (a waterless dormant stage called a Tun). They usthe stylets to pierce cell wall of mosses .
A burrowing worm formerly believed to be a chordate. Does not have a notochord, but has all other characteristics. Has tornaria larva similar to bipinnaria of echinoderms. Three body sections: proposcis, body and trunk. It has a ciliated epidermis. The excretory organ is called glomerus. Both Dorsal and ventral nerve cords.
Blactopore forms anus. Locomotion by tube feet. Water enters madreporite, goes to ring canal, then to radial canals. Radial canal attached to an ampula that operates the tube feet. Radially symmetrical. Larvae are bilateral and called bipinnaria.
Pharyngeal Slits
Shed their integuments
Asymmetrical with spicules that stiffen up the skeleton. Spicules are made of calcium carbonate or silica and collagen.
small vermiform (form of a worm) animals formed by a few cells (among 20 and 30 cells, depending on the species) arranged in two layers that are not equivalent to the layers of metazoans. All mesozoans live as parasites of marine invertebrates and their cycle of life is very complex
Bilateral symmetry
radial symmetry
Separated by symmetry
All members have cilia and a membrane sac called an alveoulus.
Characterized by the presence of one ot two flagella which potrude from the organism's anterior end. With or without chloroplasts (not a plant)
Microscopic, single-celled organisms that possess a prokaryotic type of cell structure, which means their cells are noncompartmentalized, and their DNA (usually circular) can be found throughout the cytoplasm rather than within a membrane-bound nucleus. They reproduce by fission or by forming spores. They can practically live everywhere. They can inhabit all kinds of environment, such as in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, seawater, deep in the Earth's crust, in stratosphere, and even in the bodies of other organisms.
organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus. Eukaryotes include all living organisms other than the eubacteria and archaebacteria.
Externally look like clams. Very abundant in fossil record.
Have a crown of tentacle lined with cilia called lophophore. Statoblasts that lie dormant until conditions are favorable, which enables a colony's lineage to survive even if severe conditions kill the mother colony.