Health and Medicine in the Elizabethan Era
By Megan E Hoier and Selena V Vargas
Medicinal Knowledge
- Knowledge about sanitation and other medicinal treatments was limited
- People believed that disease could be spread by terrible odors
- People believed that diseases of the body were results of a bad soul
- Populations increasing while sanitary conditions worsening
determining illnesses based of of a persons urine color/odor
four humors/fluids of the body
chloer (yellow bile)
melancholy (black bile)
If the humors became imbalanced, a person was said to be ill. Doctors would cure patients by adding or removing bile or blood.
since illness was said to be a result of sins of the soul, people were told they would be cured with non-medical options such as prayer, meditation and pilgrimages.
many remedies herbal
treatments included potions
potions included urine, earthworms, and animal feces
many potions made to relieve pain or cause drowsiness during surgery often ended up killing patients
and Surgery
Was performed as a last resort
Medical Treatment
- available to the wealthy
- doctors in large cities
- no doctors in small villages and towns
- Doctors wore large, creepy masks to keep disease out
Black Plague
- carried by fleas, lice and rats
- transmitted by rodents
- physicians had no clue why it was happening
- came to Europe by sea in October 1347
- Trading ships docked in the middle east carried the disease
- people on the ships either dead or very sick when they arrived
- people that survived were covered in black boils and could not keep food down
- worst outbreak
- 2 years before Shakespeare was born
- Queen Elizabeth caught small pox
- completely bald and forced to wear a lot of make up
Extra Information
- physicians based philosophies on greek philosophers Aristotle and Hippocrates
- Main diseases caused by lack of sanitation
- Diet also caused-mainly meat, which carried diseases
- peasents and servants malnourished
- lack of vitamin C
- Makeup that was widely used contained lead
Works Cited
Interactives-Anneberg Foundation 2012
Diagnosis and Treatments