- “the expressive potential of constructional techniques”
- “poetics of construction”
- “the art of joining”
You might include the criteria of "structural" or "architectural" in your definition.
"we are NOT alluding here to mechanical revelation of construction but rather to a potentially poetic manifestation of structure." [Frampton, Case for the Tectonic]
Classical Principles Challenged
DeZeen Urban Furniture
Capital Gate, RMJM Architects
China Central TV Headquarters
Plenary Complex for the German Bundestag
Archery Ranges
Enric Miralles & Carme Pinos
seemingly flexible
rigid and durable
StudioFormWork, Tectonics Competition
never imitate natural form
Addendum to View
Incorporates an efficient relationship to matter and energy
Let me give you some perspective....
Aldo RossI
- Matter & Energy must be Harmonious
"makes the relationship of matter and energy a fundamental precondition of architecture"
[Reiser, Atlas of Novel Tectonics]
- The Architecture is the Intervening Variable
"A universe defined by a fixed field and unchanging esseces has been superceded by a matter field that is defined locally only in and through its own interactions."
[Reiser, Atlas of Novel Tectonics]
Santiago Calatrava
"the recurrence of [form dictated by the universal structural law] expresses economic efficiency. "
- Emphasizes Efficient Design based upon Laws
[Tischhamser, Calatrava Public Buildings]
What does your definition include?
but that's just a small part!
We all have our own fundamental understanding and local definition of the word "tectonic"
[Heinrich Borbein 1982, in: KF 1995: 4]
Classical Principles
"There is a spiritual value residing in the particularities of a given joint...a point of ontological condensation rather than a mere connection." [Frampton, Case for the Tectonic]
"Duration and durability are the ultimate values" [Frampton, Studies in Tectonic Culture]
KF describes Atectonic as "a manner in which the expressive interaction of load and support in architecture is visually neglected or obscured" [Frampton, Case for the Tectonic]
- Structural
- rigid & durable
- static
- rhythmic
- poetic composition
"This [case for the Tectonic] is not to deny spatial ingenuity, but rather to heighten its character through its precise realization." [Frampton, Case for the Tectonic]
"All architecture which does not express serenity fails in its spiritual mission." "the task of our time is to pcombine vitality with calm" [Frampton, Studies in Tectonic Culture]
Presented by:
Zachary Hoyt
- Frampton, Kenneth, “Rappel a l’ordre: The Case for the Tectonic”, in: Architectural Design 60, 3-4, 1990. Pp. 19-25.
- FK, Studies in Tectonic Culture, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press 1995 – EXCERPTS.
- Lefaivre & Tzom’s, Santiago Calatrava, Molta: Milano. 2009.
- Reiser & Umemoto, Atlas of Novel Tectonics, New York: Princeton Architectural Press 2006 – EXCERPTS.
- Tischhamser & von Moos, Calatrava Public Buildings, Birdkhaiser: Berlin. 1998.