Software and Hardware Theft
And How To Prevent It
Ten Commandments of Software Use
Technology-related thefts have increased over 2% the last two years
1. Thou shalt not pirate software
2. Thou shalt not buy software from auction sites
3.Thou shalt not install more software programs onto company computers than the company has licenses to use
4.Thou shalt not buy OEM or Back-up software
5.Thou shalt not buy software being sold as 'academic version' or 'not for resale'
6. Thou shalt not buy software from someone who warns you not to register the software
7. Thou shalt not make proprietary software available on peer-to-peer networks
8.Thou shalt not take softwre owned by your company and install it on your home computer
9. Thou shalt not copy your friend's software
10. Thou shalt report software piracy to SIIA's anti-piracy hotline at (800) 388-7478 or filing a report with SIIA at
In 2009, for every $100 of legitimate programming sold, there were $75 of illegitimate programming sold
Identity Theft
Theft that occurs when your confidential information is stolen, such as credit card info
Hardware Theft
- never give out personal information on the web
- call your bank immediately if you think your cedit card info was stolen and used
- encrypt personal data
- have usernames and passwords for imortant websites such as your bank account
Types of Information Theft
- credit card
- identity theft
- driver's license
- username and password
What is it
- Jail time
- goes on job application as a felony
The act of stealing computer equipment
- Lock facilities housing computer hardware
- install security systems
- buy cables that lock the computer to a desk or other immovable object
- have a real time location system(RTLS) to track your equipment
Types of CommonHardware Theft
- Stealing monitors
- stealing hard drives
- stealing desktop computer towers
- stealing laptops
Software Theft
Theft that occurs when someone steals software media, intentionally erases programs, illegally copies a program, or illegally registers and/or activates a program
- ensure you have all pertinent data backed up
- make sure your work area is secured
- mark software with UV pens
- make a note of all of the serial numbers of the software you own
- enable security so that data is saved even if software is stolen
- have insurance on your software
Types of Common Software Theft
- make a copy of a movie or game for a friend
- make a backup copy of new software you have just purchased
- buy one copy of a program and download it onto multiple computers
- shoplift software
- sued by creator of the software
- jail time
- large fine
Thanks for listening!