Your new presentation assistant.
Refine, enhance, and tailor your content, source relevant images, and edit visuals quicker than ever before.
Trending searches
“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend,
or not.”
Isabel Allende
+ possibly share it online
Get inspiration at:
Google images: visual resume
Proceed with caution and focus:
Select a set of dominating colors
Seth Godin: ‘No more than six words on a slide. EVER.’
Presentation Zen: min. font 30pt
Slideology: depends on the medium
and distance of audience -> test!
Course material available at:
Password: IKV17
Eppler, M. & Bresciani, S. (2015). Working Visually (extracts), =mcm Institute, University of St.
Gallen: Switzerland.
Case study:
Kernbach, S. & Eppler, M. (2014). Brand Strategizing with a Twist. Visual Practices in Professional
Services Firms: The Case of Interbrand. The case centre.
50% Individual examination paper: Visual Resume
Deadline: May 3rd before midnight, by email
50% Group presentation - no PPT allowed
Group work date and topic should be sent by email before March 8th
with group members names. First-come first-served
Class meets on Wednesday 14:15-16:00 Room 07-001
Friendly and safe environment
If you were an animal,
which animal would you be?
Got questions? E-mail me (expect an answer within 2 business days)
Weekends are not business days
"I can't draw" -> no problem! Technology will save us
Slide:ology by Nancy Duarte (2008)
No mind maps, no tag clouds,
no slide share, no pie charts,
no decoration of classic CVs, please!
Goal: map your resume/curriculum/life/portfolio
Application: as addition/structure to your CV/portfolio, map of your website/blog, etc.
Format: static, online, map, metaphor, diagram, sketch, video, poster, animation, interactive, website, etc.
Creative & Professional
=> It needs to be targeted to the audience (consultancy vs. bank)
=> use visualization to give insight!
Not for decoration
Duarte, N., Slide:ology, Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2008: XVIII
“How can we know what we think before we see what we say?” Karl Weick based on F. Scott Fitzgerald
An Inconvenient truth, 2006: Documentary film
(On your website, blog, LinkedIn, Pinterest...)
Be prepared to see it go viral
Be honest! You should create the visual CV by yourself
To ensure honesty, 2 students will be selected to re-create their visual CV in front of the professor
Al Gore presentation:
created by Duarte Design
with Apple’s Keynote
+ Illustrator, Photoshop, AfterEffects
(for more complex animations) and videos
Why Apple’s Keynote?
- anti-aliases fonts and graphics
- scales vector objects
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs (Gallo, 2010)
How many words? Which font size?
How many slides?
Gallo, C., The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, McGraw Hill: New York [etc.], 2010
Average: 1 slide every 2 minutes
Guy Kawasaki: 10/20/30 rule for entrepreneurs pitch: ‘ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points’
Depends on the style - fast paced presentations are intriguing
(= show visually what's going on)
a template
Visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives
which fits entirely on a single computer screen
so it can be monitored at a glance
for creating charts, Gantt charts, diagrams, calendars/schedulers, maps, tables, sparklines, etc.
Case study: branding strategy at Interbrand
Tools that do not require design skills
(10m users)
Conventions of pictorial representation are culture-bound (Scott, 1990)
+ integrating simulations , holistic
- time-consuming to develop.
Tools: emaze
Limited free version
EDU: 39.99 $ for 12 months; lite version 15$ a month, pro version 29$ a month
Free version is powerful
$12 .95per user/month for more flexibility
+ complex animations, interaction
- time consuming to prepare
Limited free version
Pro version $36 a year for more templates, icons, charts
and the relations
multipurpose tool (poster, menu, book cover, headers, invitations), 8,000 templates in free version.
Different canvas sizes; photo filters
(Adobe Flash)
600 templates 4000 icons/images
Charts integration with surveys
1000 templates (Reporting, Timeline, Process) with Pro version. Can show grid
In the United States it is typical and welcome to use humor in business conversations (Lewis, 1999), but in many other countries it is perceived as inappropriate, offensive and might not even be understood as humor
+ Most advanced screen recording tool (parts of screen, animations, etc)
- Not free:
Moviemaker (Win), imovie (Mac)
Most advanced:
Premiere (Win), FinalCut (Mac)
Hit the Windows key and G button
Click: 'Yes, this is a game'
Press the red symbol for recording
+Advanced options
+ Free with no recording time limits for non commercial use
Commercial use: $149/license
+ Free
- No advanced options
Free version has very few templates
Free version allows only low res
+ engage an audience emotionally
- require some video editing skills
(PowToons, Videoscribe)
Free: max 5 min and low res video
Pro: $ 19 per month: up to 15 min videos
7 days free trial
€20 / month or €132/year
Free up to 5 min videos
Flexible, includes animated images
Cartoons style
+ holistic logic, zoom in-out, easy to create
3D virtual worlds:
Psedu 3D (emaze)
Flash animations
Videos, and animated films
Mapping Software:
(Prezi,, mind-maps
(Hypefolio, Sway)
Posters, murals
Templates + post-its
Tools: Prezi
+ easy to create
Metaphors fulfill their function only if they can be understood cross-culturally (Hogan 2007)
+ canvas logic
offers overview
- printable pdf
is heavy
Tip: Open pdf with Adobe Acrobat Pro > File> Save as: "Reduced Size PDF"
Limited free version
Business version: 804$ a year
Free only for students
$49/month for businesses for high res
Free: up to 3 projects, download jpg/png
Standard: 120$/year - up to 15 Projects
Complete: 228$/year - Download as HTML5
and collect audience input
Data visualization
Embedding and
Integration into existing websites
100+ infographic templates
Can create interactive pdfs
Multipurpose tool: Visual stories, presentations, infographics, reports, web content
No free version for businesses
+ physical presence,
- cannot be seen clearly
Limited number of templates
No flexibility of layout
Not specific for infographics
+ personal touch, allows interaction
- cannot be seen clearly; need sketching skills
* Power distance
Required reading: Stephen Few (2006). Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data. O'Reilly Media
Westerners: favor abstract and analytic reasoning, rules, categorization
East Asians: holistic view of the world, focus on relationships and similarities
(Nisbett & Miyamoto, 2005)
Useful guide:
Bresciani S., Eppler M. (2010). Glocalizing visual communication in organizations,
In: Bertagni, B., La Rosa M., Salvetti, F., Glocal working (pp. 233-251). Milan: Franco Angeli.
Based in Zurich
Network security, application delivery, identity management and global connectivity
Communicating strategy
- with text vs. visual
- with culture-specific visuals
Source: Bresciani S., Eppler M., Tan, M., (2011). Communicating Strategy Across Cultures with Visualization: An Experimental Evaluation. Academy of Management annual meeting, 12-16 August 2011: San Antonio, Texas. Carolyn Dexter Award nominee.
Coca Cola around the world
Does it work?
360 experienced managers in Europe and Asia
- strategy is perceived as better when it is visualized
- subjects are more committed to implement it!
Cultural preferences:
- Westerners prefer linear abstract diagrams
- Non-westerners prefer metaphors and story-telling
crowded, people, faces
very structured, clear categories
What’s the difference?
“designates all graphic means that can be used to represent and convey complex insights, experiences, or capabilities” (Eppler & Burkhard, 2006)
“Knowledge Visualization is expressing concepts through meaningful graphical mapping. “ (Bertschi, Bresciani et al., 2011).
“the use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition” (Card et al. 1999)
Domain: computer science
Domain: (knowledge) management and education
Similar concepts: conceptual visualization, qualitative graphic representation, infographic
Concepts / ideas
Source: Eppler, M.J. & Burkhard, R., Knowledge Visualization, Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, Idea Group Inc., 2006.
Source: Stefan Bertschi, Sabrina Bresciani, et al., "What is Knowledge Visualization? Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline," iv, pp.329-336, 2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2011
Eppler, M.J. & Burkhard, R., Visual Representations in Knowledge Management: framework and cases, Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(11), 112-122, 2007.
Rectangular, space-filling approach for visualizing hierarchical data (multilevel / nested)
Parallel Coordinates
For visualizing highly multivariate datasets
The tree nodes are encapsulated into the area of their parent node. The size of the single nodes is determined proportionally in relation to all other nodes of the hierarchy by an attribute of the node (Johnson and Shneiderman, 1991)
Standard and Poor's 500 index stocks categorized by sectors and industries. Size represents market cap.
Tegarden, P., Business Information Visualization, Communications of AIS, Vol. 1 (4), 1999.
Fishbone/Ishikawa diagram
Source: compiled from
Standard and Poor's 500 index stocks categorized by sectors and industries. Size represents market cap.
Roam, Dan. 2008. The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures. Portfolio / Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Virtual Worlds
Primary tasks that an information visualization system
should support:
The information seeking mantra (Shneiderman, 1996):
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
"Overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on demand"
Use Gapminder to develop an (insightful) information visualization
Be prepared to present it to the class
Concept map
Lego Serious Play for strategy development and corporate identity workshops
Source: Ben Shneiderman, The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, pages 336-343, Washington. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
Voting/ Decision making
Schmeil, A., Eppler, M.J. (2008). Collaboration Patterns for Knowledge Sharing and Integration in Second Life: A Classification of Virtual 3D Group Interaction Scripts. Conference Proceedings I-KNOW 08, Graz, Austria
Eppler, M.J. & Mengis, J., Management Atlas, Management-Methoden für den Arbeitsalltag, Hanser, 2011. ISBN-10: 3-446-42701-5
Why discussing disadvantages?
Golden Section
Premise: Seeing as an assumption-based
(Re-) Construction Process
Non professional
Note: You can convert vectorial images into pixels but not vice-versa
Rule of thirds
Test: print in black&white
Test for vision acuity:
Why? Dual coding theory & Picture superiority effect
“Visualization provides multiple retrieval paths for accessing knowledge”
Aligned: left (or right)
Aligned: center
Japanese train time table
(principle used also by NLP)
Sources: Tufte E., Envisioning Information, Graphic Press, Connecticut, 1990
Source: Koffka, K., 1935, The Principles of Gestalt Psychology, Harcourt Brace, New York
Information is processed through one or two channels:
-the verbal/textual and
-the non-verbal or imagery (visual and spatial)
=> Using both channels together increases recall, engagement and attention (Paivio 1969)
Please draw a house
Source: Duarte, N., Slide:ology, Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2008
What? Reasoning, evaluating, problem solving
Why? Lower computational effort compared
to sentential representations
(a-ha effect)
Why? Visuospatial reasoning (Tversky 2004)
i.e. pattern recognition, search, overview-zoom
(Snodgrass Stewart & Stewart, 2001)
“the use of images in cognitive tasks leads to systematically higher recall than the mere use of words, thanks to the additional encoding enabled by pictures and their distinctiveness”
Source: Larkin and Simon 87: Why a Diagram is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words
Tversky (2004) and Larkin and Simon (1987)
When visualization is used, cognitive abilities for reasoning, evaluating and solving problems are enhanced
Visuospatial advantages (mapping):
Color space
*Salience = how a representation facilitates focusing
and processing certain information, at the expense of others
Source: Tufte, E. R., The visual display of quantitative information. Cheshire, Connecticut,
Graphic Press, 1986.
Font: Frutiger
Help the New York Times to present the information with a visualization which is: informative and not misleading
Figure and Ground
Note: the same color appears differently in RGB than in CMYK!
Source: Toschi, L. (Ed.), Il linguaggio dei nuovi media, Apogeo: Milano, 2001
Does it seem easy? Obvious?
The evening before the launch,
the rocket engineers and managers considered the question:
“Will the rubber O-rings fail catastrophically tomorrow
because of the cold weather?”
Tufte, E. R. (1997): Visual Explanations. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphic Press.
Challenger (NASA) 1986
Source: Visualizing information for advocacy. An introduction to information design, John Emerson, Principal at Apperceptive LLC.
[Optional readings]
look right through the picture – as though it's not there – so that your focus seems to be a far-off object, hence the parallel lines of sight
Data visualization
Wainer H., How to display data badly, The American Statistician, Vol. 38, n. 2, 1984.
Ranking of comparative usefullness of visualization (size = familiarity).
Bresciani S., Eppler M., (2010). Choosing Knowledge Visualizations to Augment Cognition: the Managers’ View. IEEE
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Information Visualization IV10, 26-29 July 2010, London, U.K. Best paper award
3. F-pattern
Sources: Pro4s, Cambridge, UK
Shimoijma A., On the efficacy of Representations, Indiana University, PhD Thesis, 1996
I am not your babysitter
If you don't come to class it's your duty
to catch up with the program
exceptions: hospital, army
Argument map
1. Gutenberg diagram
2. Z-pattern