"Petition of right show"
Article Candy shop
Bicameral ice cream shop
"English Bill of right show"
Power Pendulum
There are two ice cream stands but they are connected to one another
This is a show where the parliament makes out the petition of rights. This one is more educational and you learn about the concerns and demands of the people against the king.
Each wrapper has an article on it.
There are three swinging seats. One executive, one legislature, and one judicial. THey all have equal seats but each swing are decorated different to indicate the resposibiliteis each one has to there sleves
In the show it will discuss the difficulty trying to get power from the king to the parliament. The parliament and kingsmen will do a tuggawar.
Federalist Free Fall
Its like the principle "one person one vote" Instead of someone taking your order you vote for what you want. One person makes ther own decision.
This is a drop tower ride. They will drop from 200 feet in the air. In this ride they will drop from 100 feet and stop at 100 feet left if they answer the question about federalism right ( For example: Does both state and national government have power in a federalist government? answer:yes) then the will be brought back up to 200 and drop till they are 20 feet then it will slow down, if they are wrong they will be dropped down from 100 peacefully
"No one who is sane will approve of this ride"
Impeach Mechanical bull
Constitution Carousel
Bill of Right Bumper cars
Power of purse pinata show
Instead of playing instrumental music as the spend around they will play a song about the constitution. Each seat will be elements of the constitution . For example the Preamble pony.
In the bumper cars every time you bump someone another right will come up on the bumper car screen(arround the mph area) whoever has the most rights (bumps) when
By: Carrington Elder(4thpd) and Khira Tyler (6thpd)
ratification is the approval of an act the ride is so insane no one should apporve it . The quote is meant to intimidate the riders.
When you are impeached you are put out of office. The mechanical bull represents the office and when you fall you willl be kicked out. The bull will be decorated in the U.S. colors Red, White, and blue
They allow volunteers to try and break the pinata. The pinata represent the manipulating group who are withholding funds. Once the pinata breaks those people do not have power anymore.
"Anti federalist show"
watch the federalist and antifederalist debate
As you go through the loop on every turn there is another amendment shown. By the end of the ride you will have seen every amendment. At the end of the ride if you can say all the amendments you get to skip everyone in line and go down it again.
This ride just spins around and plays music about the Magna Carta
Popular Sovereignty Gift shop
Check and balance Cafe
Social contract gift shop
James Madison Street Preformer"
Preamble Kiosk In Entrance
"WE have the newest, hottest, most popular products. The people really love it"
"Our job is to make sure every customer is treated equally"
"The father of Constitution" will walk around as a character like in orlando sturdio when they have the characters like mickey mouse walking around.
"You give us the money we will give you the best prices. Deal?"
It is the welcome center because the preamble is thintroduction the constitution so this kiosk is the beginning of this theme park
Every person 3 people get a different cup. The three cups are legislature, excutive, and judicial cups. The cafe only has ONE size to symbolize the equality. Each person who works there is dressed like coordinated to the cups (three different uniforms) and has to make sure each is on task and is not taking over others job.