Pursuit of Opposing Goals
- Yalta Conference
- United Nations
- Warsaw Pact
- Berlin Wall
- Sputnik
- U-2 Incident
- Iron Curtain
- Churchill
- Containment
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- Korea divided at the 38th parallel
- DMZ zone established
- North Korea
- Communist dictator Kim Il Sung established collective farms, developed heavy industry, & built up the military
- South Korea
- Prospered due to U.S. aid & foreign trade
- established democracy
- 4 million soldiers & civilians died
- 38th Parallel
- Douglas MacArthur
- Armistice
- Geneva International Peace Conference
- Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel
- North: Ho Chi Minh's communists ruled
- South: U.S. & France set up a puppet government under the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem
- Diem ruled as a dictator
- Vietcong
- communist guerrillas
- established an opposition government
- took control of the countryside
- South Vietnamese assassinated Diem
- weren't popular leaders
- Vietcong, backed by North Vietnam, attempted to take over entire country
- August 1964
- Told congress that North Vietnamese patrol boats had attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin
- Congress allowed president to send troops
- 1965
- 185,000 U.S. soldiers were in combat
- 1968
- More than half a million U.S. soldiers were in combat
- 1960s
- war became unpopular in U.S.
- 1969
- Vietnamization: allowed U.S. troops to gradually pull out while the South Vietnamese increased their combat role
- 1973
- Last troops left
- 1975
- North Vietnam overran South Vietnam
More than 1.5 million Vietnamese & 58,000 Americans lost their lives
- Nixon
- Vietnamization
- Johnson
- Gulf of Tonkin
- Vietcong
- Ngo Dinh Diem
- Geneva Conference
- 17th Parallel
- Domino Theory
- Eisenhower
- Vietminh Independence League
- Ho Chi Minh
- Indochina
- Operation Rolling Thunder
- Tet Offensive
- Kent State University
- Paris Peace Accords
Limited # of ICBMs each country country could have
- Born on a collective farm
- Joined the communist party while attending Moscow State University
- Rose from local party official to General Secretary in only 15 years
- Recognized need to reform communism
The Iron Curtain Falls
- Gorbachev
- Perestroika
- Glasnost
- Demokratizatsiya
- The Sinatra Doctrine
- Berlin Wall Falls
- Boris becomes popular
- Showing opposition to the August 1991 coup against Gorbachev
- Drama in the Duma
- Conservative Prime Minister
- Dissolved Duma
- Duma moved for impeachment
- Yeltsin orders troops to storm Parliament
- 1993 Constitution
- modeled after Western European governments
- President = head of state = diplomacy & military
- Prime Minister = head of government = legislative leader
- Few checks on presidents power
Cold War
How to protect the U.S.?
A policy directed at blocking Soviet influence & stopping the expansion ofcommunism
- No natural border
- 17th Century: Poles captured Kremlin
- 18th Century: Swedes attacked
- 19th Century: Napoleon overran Moscow & WWI/WWII
History of Problems
How to protect the USSR?
- Sparked by Turkey & Greece
- Provided support for any nation rejecting communism
- $400 Million in aid
Berlin Airlift
- Provided food, machinery, and other materials to rebuild Western Europe
- Sparked by communist seizure of Czechoslovakia
- $12.5 billion
USSR responded by holding West Berlin Hostage
Truman Doctrine
Iron Curtain
The Cold War Divides the World
- Cut-off highway, water, & rail traffic
- US & GB flew food and supplies into West Berlin
- 11 months later the USSR admitted defeat
Marshall Plan
France, GB, US withdrew forces allow zones to unite
Korean War
"From the Stettin in the Baltic to the Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent"
Taboo Review
- Churchill
- Streamlined the political & economic system
- The Law on State Enterprise decentralized state & economic planning
- The Law on Cooperatives revived forms of private enterprise
- Permitted foreign trade & investment
After WWII, the world's nations were grouped politically into one of the following...
Aftermath of the War
- Establishment of communist governments
- Elimination of free elections in Eastern European nations
- U.S.S.R. no longer enforced the Brezhnev Doctrine
- Eastern European states were allowed to explore their own reforms
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Sinatra Doctrine
Standoff At The 38th Parallel
Douglas MacArthur
- Increased political transparency
- Relaxed censorship laws to encourage media scrutiny of party officials
- Encouraged investigative journalism & independent media
- After the U.S. withdrew their troops, the Soviets gave North Korea military supplies
- North Korea invaded the south
- Containment was challenged & Truman began to help the South
Taboo Review
South Korea asked the UN for help
- Intervention required Security Council approval
- Soviets were absent for vote because they were protesting the admission of Nationalist China, rather than Communist China, into the UN
Ex: Radio Free Europe broadcast radio programs about the rest of the world into Eastern Europe
Foreign Aid
6 min
Giving financial aid to other nations
- Increased civic participation through multi-candidate elections
- Eventually expanded to multi-party elections
Space Race
Surrogate Wars
Going to the edge of war to make the other side back down
The Fighting Continues
First World
The Cold War Thaws
- Fighting indirectly
- Substitute conflicts
agreement to stop fighting
- UN troops pushed North Koreans back across the 38th parallel up to the Yalu River
- China felt threatened by the UN forces that were mostly from the U.S.
- China sent 300,000 troops into North Korea then past the 38th parallel to Seoul
- industrialized capitalist nations
- U.S. & allies
Multinational Alliances
Superpowers Face Off
Second World
- communist nations
- Soviet Union
Third World
The Man Behind The Wall
- developing nations
- newly independent
- Latin America, Asia, & Africa
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Major Strategies of the Cold War
- A policy of lessening of Cold War tensions
- Richard Nixon
Satellite Countries
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, & East Germany
CIA secret high-altitude spy planes
The Cold War In The Skies
U-2 Incident
Pilot Gary Powers was captured after being shot down during a U-2 mission
- 50X as many deaths
- 1 in 4 wounded or killed
- Cities demolished
Fighting Begins
United Nations
Cuban Missile Crisis
Think It Through
- 400,000 deaths
- Cities & factories remained intact
- $$$
- 34 European & American signatories
- Set out basic human rights provisions
- Inspired resistance movements
Nikita Khrushchev
Aftermath of WWII
Taboo Review
- Encourage communism & revolution
- Gain access to raw materials
- Create a buffer zone by controlling Eastern Europe
- Keep Germany divided to create security
- What factors do you believe contributed to the crisis?
- What factors contributed to ending the crisis without a war?
- What role did leadership play?
- What other groups or interests did these leaders have to consider?
- Are there situations in the world today where factors that could lead to a nuclear crisis exist?
- How can countries minimize risk of nuclear war?
Ho Chi Minh
- Satellite Countries
- Khruschev
- Imre Hagy
- Hungarian Revolt
- Brezhnev
- Brezhnev Doctrine
- Prague Spring
- Alexander Dubcek
- Detente
- Nixon
- Helsinki Accords
Vietnamese Vs. French
- Nationalists & Communists
- Countryside support
- Hit & run tactics
- Controlled cities
- Dien Bien Phu: Lost battle made French citizens question worth of colonial possession & military presence
- Encourage democracy and prevent communism
- Gain access to raw materials
- Rebuild European governments to promote stability and create new markets for U.S. goods
- Reunite Germany to stabilize to create security
- Vietnamese nationalist
- Turned to the Communists for help
- Led the Indochinese Communist party to revolt against the French
(cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr
Solutions & Goals
Sentenced him to death...
Yalta Conference
- Supported French
- After Dien Bien Phu, President Eisenhower fears domino theory will occur
France arrested Ho Chi Minh...
The Road to War
Helsinki Accords
- International protection organization
- Based in NY
- 48 countries
- General Assembly: voted on issues
- Security Council: 11 member body that investigated and settled disputes
- 5 permanent members: GB, China, France, US, USSR
- Veto power
- Ho Chi Minh returned & found that Japan had seized control of the area
- Along with other nationalists, he founded the Vietminh Independence League
- Started destalinization
- purged the country of Stalin's memory
- didn't occur in satellite nations
- Sputnik I launched
- WWII ends & Japan loses colonies
- Ho Chi Minh thinks Vietnam will gain independence
- Instead, France is awarded the territory
- Big Three
- Divided up Germany into occupation zones
- Germany reparations to the U.S.S.R.
- U.S.S.R. promised free elections and declared war against Japan
U.S. Troops Enter the Fight
- France controlled Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam)
Vietnam: A Divided Country
Who cares about the Cuban Missile Crisis?
South Vietnam
Be Castro
U.S. soldiers were fighting a guerrilla war in an unfamiliar terrain
Hungarian Revolt
Taboo Review
Berlin Wall
The U.S. Withdraws
6 min
- 1961
- East Germans built a wall to separate East & West Berlin
- Symbolized a divided world
Czechoslovakian Revolt
Prague Spring
- 1968
- Lead by Czech communist leader Alexander Dubcek
- loosened control on censorship
- offered socialism with a "human face"
- Warsaw Pact
- suppressed movement
- Brezhnev Doctrine enforced
Boris Yeltsin
- October 1956
- Hungarian army + protesters overthrew the soviet-controlled government
- Alliance of communist countries
Be Khrushev
Superpowers Form Alliances
1st President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
- Leader after Khruschcev
- Cracked down on public dissent
- Economy experienced decline & consumer shortages
- Brezhnev Doctrine declared Soviet intentions to defend the Communist bloc by military force
- Defensive military alliance of democratic/capitalistic countries
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Leonid Brezhnev
Be Kennedy
- Hungarian Communist leader
- Formed a new government
- Promised free elections & demanded Soviet troops leave
- Soviet tanks moved in, executed Nagy, & instated a pro-Soviet government
Imre Nagy