Work Cited
Remote cause
Christian, Amanda. "5 Ways To Embrace Ending Friendships and Relationships." Tiny Buddha. N.p., 18 July 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.
- As people pursue careers, start families, and take on more responsibilities, it becomes difficult for them to spend the same amount of time with their friends as they used to do before.
- Their priorities change over time and they become more selective over who they spend their time with.
Always fighting
Remote and Immediate cause
- Remote- When your disagreements turn to constant fights they add up over time.
- Immediate- An event causes a huge blow up, you instantly end your friendship.
What Causes Friendships to End?
By: Jacellynn and Pamela
Remote cause
- Hard to keep in contact when they live miles away from each other.
- Their schedules may not line up with the others and finding times to talk could be difficult
- Remote cause- They gradually loose connection, it doesn't happen from one day to another.
- Sometimes, when friends grow, they grow apart and there really isn't a good reason as to why.
- It just happens, so gradually, that they don't even realize that it has been days since they talked to their best buddy.
Immediate cause
Negative Impact
Remote cause
- There is often failure to communicate and either one hears unpleasant things about one another and immediately believe it.
- Soon enough one of them is mad and that person stops talking to their friend. While that friend wonders why.
- They can get you into situations you don't want to be in.
- Those situations get out of hand and you decide to distance yourself.
Acts of Betrayal
Main cause
- This is the main cause because it is the most common reason why friendships end.
- Acts of betrayal could be looked as lying, cheating, breaking a confidence, failing to defend you to someone else who's gossiping about you.