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Factors that contribute to Faculty adoption of OER in the United States, a mixed-methods study.

Virginia Coleman-Prisco, Ed.D.

Emily Seibert

Mercy College, NY




  • Support is hindered by LMS and lack of administrative resources
  • Faculty buy-in is limited because the materials are not "plug and play"
  • Adoption and curricular synthesis require time and effort from faculty
  • Limits faculty academic freedom


Findings: 5 Themes

Data has been collected for this study from targeted organizations that have participated in a Next Generation Learning Challenges grant funded project.

This study used a mixed methods explanatory sequential descriptive design with a quantitative method which informed a subsequent qualitative method that produced detailed findings.

What do you think faculty believe are the most important factors for OER innovation and adoption?

What has your experience been like?

The Study

Personal Faculty Experience: Pros

Next Steps?

  • Initial Skepticism
  • Enjoyable creative process
  • Materials customized to learning outcomes
  • Improves student learning
  • Aids assessment process

The goal of this mixed-method research study was to examine the adoption process and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education.

The study used Rogers’ (2003) Diffusions of Innovations theoretical framework to guide the description of the innovation and adoption process of OER.

In order to identify the connection between the creation and continued adoption of OER, certain aspects such as the characteristics of OER, the innovation-decision process, and the kind of supports institutions should provide have been investigated.

  • Find resources for time and effort
  • Improve 5Rs (retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute)
  • Continue to expand repository
  • Open Education Pedagogy
  • Ideas from the audience?
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