Funk and wagnal's (1966) pleasantville, NY, funk and wagnalls
Columbia University Press, New York, NY, Columbia University Press
Marble Race; Finding The Viscosity Of Liquids
Matthew Bastian, 7th grade, March 10th, Mrs Andrea Schulte
I investigated the viscosity's of Pure honey vegetable oil hand sanitizer Elmer's liquid glue Aunt Jemima's pancake syrup and glycerin (all at room temperature) and compared them to each other and water (control). I did this by dropping a marble in 6 inches of each liquid and measured its descent in seconds. my hypothesis was proved incorrect because i thought it would be glue, syrup, honey, hand sanitizer, glycerin, then vegetable oil but it was honey, glue, hand sanitizer, glycerin, syrup, then vegetable oil. if i were to repeat the project i would refrigerate the liquids because i believe that would increase the viscosity of the liquids and i would be curious to see which one is affected most. these results are applicable to a situation where one of these liquids spills so no how hard it would be to clean.
The data shows that in the liquids in order from most viscous to least are Pure honey, Elmer's liquid glue, hand sanitizer, glycerin, Aunt Jemima's pancake syrup, and vegetable oil
Experimental Design
If i test the respective velocity's of Aunt Jemima's syrup, Elmers liquid glue, pure honey, glycerin,hand sanitizer, and vegetable oil all at room temperature then i believe glue will be the most viscous because it is the thickest stickiest of the liquids. I believe the order from most viscous to least will be glue, syrup, honey, hand sanitizer, glycerin, then vegetable oil,
Independent Variable- the amount of liquid the marble was dropped through, measured in inches (6). i used the amount of liquid as an independent variable because it was something that had to be kept the same for each test to ensure it was fair
Dependent Variable- The time it takes the marble to travel through the liquid , measured in seconds. I had this as my dependent variable because it was what the test depended on.
Control Variable- Water
Constant- Marble
Method of average- i used the mean average because the mean is the scientific average of a set of numbers and my goal was to find scientific averages
Graph- i used a a bar graph because they are used to show data, and my goal was to display the data of each test
Mom- My mom drove around to gather the supplies and helped me conduct the tests
Colin- My little brother Colin helped me time my tests
Dad- my dad helped me time my tests
Which liquid is most viscous: Pure Honey, Vegetable oil. hand sanitizer, Elmers liquid glue, Aunt Jemima pancake syrup, or glycerin (all at room temperature) . I chose this question because it is fun simple project to do so you can help learn more about viscous liquids, and was curious which liquids are most viscous. I plan to find number that show which liquids are more viscous than others.
I discovered that viscosity is informally a fluids resistance to flow, and formally is the ratio of shearing stress (stress parallel to the surface of the object) to the velocity gradient (change of velocity per unit) of a liquid. that means the thicker a liquid the more viscous it is