Budget Breakdown
• Plan & Design- Planning is the key to restoration as it includes an extensive range of procedures such as the removal of the watershed disturbances, installation of structures, and the planting of vegetation to protect the banks and provide habitat for the surrounding wildlife. Design is necessary for the reshaping or replacement of unstable stream reaches into appropriately designed functional streams and floodplains.
• Materials (trees, shrubs, other natural elements)- All things need to help raise the incised channel and restore the stream.
• Mobilization- Needed to transport and receive materials from outside sources and also to get the labor crew to and from the location.
• Equipment- All machinery needed to complete the task at hand.
• Labor- Operators, planters, and other crew members needed to get the job done
• Riparian Planting/Maintenance- Maintenance of riparian and in-stream improvements are important. Monitoring of plant survival and growth plots in riparian areas along the stream aid in the restoration being self-sustaining.
• In-stream Structure Maintenance- Streams are dynamic and some level of maintenance of in stream structures must be maintained.
Why natural stream restoration?
Consultant's Solution:
It appears that the stream has become incised due to changes in the watershed or stream side vegetation. The bank full stage may be a small bench or scour line on the stream bank. In this case, the top of the bank which was formerly the floodplain is called a terrace. Since this stream has terraces close to the top of the banks, it confirms that it is an incised stream.
The chosen method for restoring the streams requires raising the incised channels to re-connect them with the existing floodplain.
Stream Restoration Project
An extremely urban area in the
Michael Barnes
Piedmont Physiographic Province
of North Carolina
Client's Dilemma
- The client has recently acquired a property that has a stream that flows nearby. The stream is 2mi long, 12ft deep, and 10ft wide. However, the client has been made aware that the stream is badly incised.
*Note: Area residents are complaining about flooding in a stream next to my clients property.