- External conflict
- Internal conflict
- The conflicting thoughts that Marji and many other Iranians felt, after a sudden shift to a religious fundamentalist belief.
"I was a westerner in Iran, an Iranian in the west. I had no identity."
"I really don't know what to think about the veil. Deep down I was very religious but as a family we were very modern."
Figurative Language
“The revolution is like a bicycle. If the wheels don’t turn, it falls.”
- Simile
- Imagery
- Emanata
- Symbolism
The Islamic Revolution
- Following the revolution Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader
- Islamic Republic
- Many of the laws in Iran had now changed
- Iran officially became a fundamentalist country
- Conflict between modernism and fundamentalism
- Initiated by islamic fundamentalists
- The people of Iran had had enough
The Shah
- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
- Wanted to introduce a modern-western aspect of culture to Iran
- Could not maintain the economy
- Many protests against him
- The last shah of Iran
What is Fundamentalism?
Any Questions?
[fuhn-duh-men-tl-iz-uh m]
“A form of a religion, especially in Islam, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.”
"With practice"
"you got to the point where you could guess their shape and the way they wore their hair and even their political opinions"
"You showed your opposition to the regime by letting a few strands of hair show"
"I had conformed to society"
"My faith was NOT UN-shakeable"
Persepolis IOP
What is Modernism?
- Black and white express extreme opposites
- White represents freedom
- Black represents restrain and oppression
- Marjane uses contrast between the two to show the reader that white is a form of modernism and black is a form of fundamentalism
"A movement towards modifying traditional beliefs in accordance with modern ideas, a movement towards individual freedoms of speech, religion, and sexuality."
- Guardians of the revolution
"In short...Everything was pretext to arrest us."
"We found ourselves veiled and separated from our friends."
How This is Portrayed in Persepolis
Figuratively and literarily
- Iran was ruled by a monarchy
- The economy began to decline
- People questioned the motives of the shah
- Iran was westernized
- Veils were optional
- Many educational opportunities
- Demonstration (protests)
- Rebellion
- Literary and figurative devices have a significant effect on Persepolis
- Emotional/serious
- Liberating
- Humorous
- Choice of being a modernist or fundamentalist
- After the revolution everyone had to show signs of the regime (ex. wearing a veil)
- Colour
- Figurative Language
Ex. Satrapi uses a serious tone to depict the guardians of the revolution (fundamentalists) but then changes tone to humorous once she starts making excuses as to why shes wearing westernized clothing
Modernism vs Fundamentalism
in Persepolis