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The Book Thief

Major political events between 1940 and 1942

  • Spring- deportation begins
  • April- May- Germany invades many countries
  • June- July 1942- over 62,000 Jews are killed
  • October 30 - Munich is bombed
  • December 7- Japan bombs United states

What Time Period

Major political events between 1938 and 1939


  • Hitler elected chancellor of Germany
  • First concentration camp opened
  • Jewish shops boycotted


  • Nuremberg Laws takes away jewish rights


  • Yellow Star introduced


  • Jews persecuted


  • Start of the first death camp


  • Thousands of jews gassed


  • Death camps closed do to Russian advances


  • Hitler's suicide
  • November 9-19, 1938- Kristallnacht- The night of broken glass
  • March 1939- Germany annexes Czechoslovakia
  • August 23- The Nazi- Soviet Non-Aggression Pact announced
  • September 1- Germany invades Poland

How Does This Negatively Impact the Average Citizens

  • Nazi Party- none
  • Ordinary Citizens- no freedom of speech, low wages
  • Women- forced to give up jobs, child-bearers
  • Youth- breeding, the three C's
  • Opponents- cut off trade, anti-communist, concentration camps
  • Untermensch (subhuman)- Jews, gypsies, African Americans, mentally handicapped, and deaf people were executed

How Does this Positively Impact the Average Citizens

  • Nazi Party- government power, best homes, preferred treatment
  • Ordinary Citizens- financial security, self-belief
  • Women- having children was rewarded
  • Youth- culture, power over their parents
  • Opponents- none
  • Untermensch (subhuman)- none


Liesel is placed in a new home during a time where Hitler controls Germany. Throughout the story, Liesel and her new family must remain unnoticed and make sure to not attract unwanted attention, because they are harboring a dangerous secret. Liesel's only comfort during this time of war is her best friend named Rudy, her books that hold more than just words, and their house guest, Max Vandenburg.


  • Molching, Germany
  • fictional setting
  • Himmel Street: "Heaven"
  • Munich, Germany
  • Nazism's birthplace
  • "Beer Hall Putsch"
  • Jail
  • Dachau camp

Works Cited

"German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact." . History, n.d. Web. 28 Jan 2014.


What kind of government is in the story?

"Holocaust Timeline." Timeline-Holocaust. History on the net, 15 May 2010. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

"How did Nazi rule affect Germans?." . N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.


  • Led by Adolf Hitler
  • From 1933-1945
  • Outlawed after 1945

"Nazi Party." N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

"Munich Hstory Facts and Timelin." Munich History Facts and Timeline. N.p., 26 Jan 2014. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

"The Book Thief Setting." Shmoop. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

"Timeline of events 1931-1945." Voices from the second world war. N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014.


"Nazi Party." N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014. <>.

How does their society compare to our society?

  • Democracy
  • "Rule by the people"
  • People elect representatives
  • Vote on laws and issues
  • freedom of speech
  • equality
  • natural rights
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